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Zanu-PF MP refuse to step down cricket boss

by Staff reporter
05 Sep 2018 at 03:53hrs | Views
ZIMBABWE Cricket (ZC) board chairman Tavengwa Mukuhlani has dismissed calls for him to step down in the wake of his election as Zanu-PF's Member of Parliament position in Mhondoro-Ngezi during last month's harmonised elections, NewZimbabwe reported.

There have been calls for Mukuhlani to step down from his position at the local cricket controlling body as his continued involvement would lead to the politicization of the country's second biggest sporting discipline.

The Bulawayo-based pharmacist, however, said there was nothing wrong with him continuing to serve both as ZC board chairman and an MP.

"Very much so, I will continue to be the chairman of Zimbabwe Cricket," Mukuhlani said on the sidelines of a recent joint Press briefing with the International Cricket Council chief executive officer David Richardson.

"Zimbabwe Cricket is not a parastatal; it's a hobby, it's a sport, it's a passion there's no conflict of interest I will continue in my role. In fact, our patron is the first politician in this country," he said.

Source - newzimbabwe