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Is the state of refereeing collapsing in Zim? - Live Discussion

by Moyo Roy
21 Apr 2013 at 10:58hrs | Views
This is a followup to the Bosso - Dembare match - Some say the ref extended the 4mins extra time to 8mins for Dembare to equalise. Is the refereeing system doing any justice to Zim soccer?

  • Admin

    22 Apr 2013 at 09:22hrs

    Thank you all for taking part in this discussion. This Live Update has been closed but you can still comment at the bottom.

  • Moyo Roy

    22 Apr 2013 at 09:12hrs

    Sorry good people about some of the comments [tribalism] - ALL REMOVED

  • greatbruno

    22 Apr 2013 at 08:02hrs

    Benitez: Stoppage time cost Chelsea
    April 20, 2013
    By ESPN staff
    Chelsea manager Rafael Benitez believes the officials cost his side a much-needed win after Luis Suarez scored in the seventh minute of stoppage time to seal a 2-2 draw for Liverpool at Anfield on Sunday.

  • greatbruno

    22 Apr 2013 at 07:55hrs

    I am neither a Highlanders supporter or Dynamos supporter and i followed this match over this platform. i really respect every fan' comments. Highlanders is struggling to beat Dynamos in Harare or Bulawayo since 2006 in the premeirship. Thats should be the problem statement. the solution is not putting a Ndebele referee but changing strategy. Highlanders used to beat Dynamos before 2006. what went wrong?

  • Mahlathini

    22 Apr 2013 at 07:43hrs

    It promotes hooliganism!

  • Samaz

    22 Apr 2013 at 07:12hrs

    All those making this a tribal issue shld go hang.Mfo kaMoyo pliz block some of these comments becoz by publishing them u are actually promoting tribalism and this animal do not have a place in Zimbabwe.

  • football

    22 Apr 2013 at 02:47hrs

    if i had powers dubious referees were going to be dieng on the sport while doing their dubious refeering

  • fan

    22 Apr 2013 at 02:45hrs

    to zifa, dynamos, referees God is for us all even lingaze lenzeni u will never win e championship.

  • zim fan

    22 Apr 2013 at 02:41hrs

    where is felix tangawarima to come and teach these dubious referees hw to handle matches

  • godlwayo

    22 Apr 2013 at 02:36hrs

    to referees we don't pick money we use to pay when we go for football matches we work for it so lingasenzeli amanyala lisibulalela ibhora

  • disappointed football fan

    22 Apr 2013 at 02:34hrs

    these referees are a problem to our football. zifa have been making noise about asia gate that happened in asia living zim gate which is happening in front of their eyes and do nothing.

  • Pension suki

    21 Apr 2013 at 22:44hrs

    Guyz did u watch e match btwn livapool & chelsea, 6mins aded & suarez scores in 97 mins 37 scnds.So y dembare is said 2 be favoured

  • jimmy

    21 Apr 2013 at 22:38hrs

    its an obvious case the refering z poor.psl and zifa have failed 2 address this and 2 correct it.highlanders could have won the match but the referee costed em e 3pts...

  • python inyoka

    21 Apr 2013 at 22:35hrs

    bosso lets meet at amakhosi 2moro nd i teach u 2b a dance group yembube. U can make money.

  • Kelvin

    21 Apr 2013 at 22:15hrs

    Yazi madoda kunzima ukuba lindebele sithwele nzima ngala amasthona !!hayi boo!!

  • python inyoka

    21 Apr 2013 at 22:09hrs

    lina vazukulu vamandele. Hw many times has bosso been favoured at B.F. Learn to win e game nd dnt b cry babies. Al soccer players n zim ngama nyasaranda. Ndebeles nd shonas ar gud at drinking beer.

  • Mhlawempi

    21 Apr 2013 at 21:58hrs

    The refs are not doing any justice. PSL should do something because its not fair

    *angry and worried bosso supporter*

  • Mthethwa - Soccer Zone

    21 Apr 2013 at 21:56hrs

    No Fear No favour

  • Mthethwa - Soccer Zone

    21 Apr 2013 at 21:44hrs

    The Referee made a perfect call. In stoppage time the referee only stops the match when the ball is in the neutral part of the field and there is no scoring chance for either team. In this case Dynamos had 2perfect consecative chances of scoring at 93min and onwards. Dont be emotional Google "Stoppage time or injury time" Bosso players should learn to play to the whistle. Its not over until its over. Optional time is at referee's discretion.

    Sleep soccer. No fear No favour.

  • zirututsa

    21 Apr 2013 at 21:36hrs

    kulabo abathi silobadlululo kengibuze how many tshonas are in bosso team & e same how many ndebeles in dynamos team who are triberlist here , nxeeeeee these idiots are killing e game we always know that u are corrupt thus why munumutapa was once a national team asia scandal was ochestrated in hararaare sies liyenyanyisa f**********-

  • Angry Mthwakazi

    21 Apr 2013 at 21:19hrs

    Isenzo sika nompembe silihlazo kakhulu njalo siyayangisa. Sibonakalisa ubandlululo oluse Harare. *etsho ehlabela* "a[Some people] heya ayebulala obaba"

  • Meek

    21 Apr 2013 at 21:05hrs

    First nd foremost we need 2 understand e laws of e game!the optional time raised by e 4th official is e minimum that can be played. Ninety third min nd thirty seconds 2 go a bosso player feigns injury nd match is halted bt the clock in football unlike in basketball doesnt stop.on resumption dembare wins a our watch yes 7mins bt by referees' it cld hv bn less

  • Anonymous user

    21 Apr 2013 at 21:02hrs

    Dynamoz can alwyz dance and enjoy thoz nfair wins thnkng tht thy ar clever,no thy ar not coz we ar killng our football as Zmbabwnz 4 exmpl lets say u ar a schul child and yr tcher alwayz favourz u evn if u gt somethng wrong he/she gives u e ryt mark and u alwys enjoyng bt one dy u wl b alone ku final exam and u wl gt nothng as yr result so plz as Zmbabwnz lets try 2 do wat is ryt,no favourz plz coz yr favourz cost and kill us as a nation

  • lobengula

    21 Apr 2013 at 20:56hrs

    I think its high time we leave this Zim psl league as Bosso ngoba vele kulamasimba wodwa! OkungamaRef lokhu akukho proffessional ngitsho, thus why they can't be called even to be lines man on ny internatinal friendly.

  • Nqobani masina

    21 Apr 2013 at 20:28hrs

    Why they do 2 highlanders lt,s disgusting yazi zim soccer

  • CoolM

    21 Apr 2013 at 20:11hrs

    Nonsense nd disgraceful to soca lovers dats y we are only respected in having the gud players but our officials nd the Zifa body are killing our soca,nd if they continue to allow such thangs happen we still gona hv sum problems lyk match fixings

  • Owen

    21 Apr 2013 at 20:09hrs

    Bosso will not win the case because Referee's decision is final nomatter how biased he was, he will just be disciplined by his Association, thats it, and league goes on, Yah life is that unfair...

  • Owen

    21 Apr 2013 at 20:06hrs

    Bosso will not win the case because Referee's decision is final nomatter how biased he was, he will just be disciplined by his Association, thats it, and league goes on, Yah life is that unfair...

  • Ntokozo

    21 Apr 2013 at 20:05hrs

    I'm looking forward to hear or read comments from the chairperson of the referees association and other football administrators from the league and zifa. Surely something has to be done about the appalling referring in our domestic legue

  • Quinton Therapy

    21 Apr 2013 at 20:03hrs

    Understand this gentlemen esplly Nqo,Highlanders is a team dat iz made up of diff tribes but da fact dat dais team cumz from Matabeleland iz da issue here.wat thiz refiz dislike n hate iz where a team hailz from particulary Highlanderz not da compozitin of da teams' lineup lets face da truth folks.dat has made us az a nation 2 suffer coz even Zifa commizaret with teamz lyk Dynamos ol bcoz of tribalizm.we a killing dis beautiful game ourselves via refiriz that a used by da elite mostly found in H who a sympathazerz of Dembare!

  • Ntokozo

    21 Apr 2013 at 20:01hrs

    With the way things are happening with our football, i think we need to start outsourcing referees from our neighboring leagues and associations if fair play is to be achieved

  • Nyari K

    21 Apr 2013 at 19:59hrs

    Im a Dembare fan I saw it as well. Owen is right

  • Ntokozo

    21 Apr 2013 at 19:58hrs

    It's a shame that we accept mediocrity on the part of our referees, yes either team could have scored during the added "7" minutes but one thing that we need to bare in mind is that psychologically players are affected when expectations (with reference to time) are trampled on willingly by those meant to govern play on the pitch.

  • Nqo

    21 Apr 2013 at 19:48hrs

    If what Owen has just highlighted is the fact, then Bosso will win the case in the court of law, although this is an ugly and unfortunate scenario in the beautiful game of football

  • Owen

    21 Apr 2013 at 19:45hrs

    I was watching the match on tv SS9 with digital clock showing 94 min and the referee just couldnt end the game, 96min drawnamos score. 97 min referee ends the match. 3min added for NO apparent reason. 3min added when the ball was in bosso's half and under pressure. When time is up you simple blow the whistle even when the other team is about to score. Poor refereeing indeed. People should admit Dynamos are not at their best this season,

  • Owen

    21 Apr 2013 at 19:43hrs

    I was watching the match on tv SS9 with digital clock showing 94 min and the referee just couldnt end the game, 96min drawnamos score. 97 min referee ends the match. 3min added for NO apparent reason. 3min added when the ball was in bosso's half and under pressure. When time is up you simple blow the whistle even when the other team is about to score. Poor refereeing indeed. People should admit Dynamos are not at their best this season,

  • Owen

    21 Apr 2013 at 19:43hrs

    I was watching the match on tv SS9 with digital clock showing 94 min and the referee just couldnt end the game, 96min drawnamos score. 97 min referee ends the match. 3min added for NO apparent reason. 3min added when the ball was in bosso's half and under pressure. When time is up you simple blow the whistle even when the other team is about to score. Poor refereeing indeed. People should admit Dynamos are not at their best this season,

  • Jojo

    21 Apr 2013 at 19:41hrs

    This stupid officials are killing our beautiful game

  • Moyo Roy

    21 Apr 2013 at 19:39hrs

    I wanted to ask the same question Nqo lami? kutsho ukuthi only the refz r tribalists

  • Nqo

    21 Apr 2013 at 19:37hrs

    But Quinton Therapy, Highlanders players are from all tribes. Do you think the team is tribalist?

  • Nqo

    21 Apr 2013 at 19:34hrs

    Well said Quinton Therapy

  • Anonymous user

    21 Apr 2013 at 19:33hrs

    Not only in Zim but all over Africa

  • Quinton Therapy

    21 Apr 2013 at 19:33hrs

    If we a to improve da standard of football in our lig n in our country az a whole we have 2 start by removing elements of trabilizm in our football coz thats where evrithing emanates from.4 our referiz 2 execute their dutiz professionally that mentality has 2 b removed then our sport will develop internally n externally!lets grow u!! we a one Zim regardless of our sporting afficiliation.what iz hapng nw onli makes us go down,then @ da end of da dy we cry n point fingerz dat our national team iz doing wel.evrithing starts from our lig matches dat a cooked!

  • Anonymous user

    21 Apr 2013 at 19:32hrs

    Lets wait and see if Callisto and company will survive the storm this year؛Indeed todays ref like the thursday one made the day for them.

  • Moyo Roy

    21 Apr 2013 at 19:32hrs

    Captain Grammar but you know what we are talking about I guess

  • Captain Grammar

    21 Apr 2013 at 19:31hrs


  • Sally

    21 Apr 2013 at 19:31hrs

    I watched the uhuru after dynamos had scored and towards the last minutes highlanders players had to run off pitch to get soccer balls while those little boys who are supposed to be throwing in balls were no longer doing that so i think favoritism is there we no longer qualify for afcon or any tornament coz the game is dead there is no sportsmanship the beautiful game is dead coz of one team

  • sk

    21 Apr 2013 at 19:25hrs

    Wl all knw dat it al bt dat syd of the country whr favours happens

  • Moyo Roy

    21 Apr 2013 at 19:24hrs

    If its match-fixing Bosso is part of it as well Mdluli kengibuze?

  • mdluli

    21 Apr 2013 at 19:22hrs

    Match fixing!

  • Moyo Roy

    21 Apr 2013 at 19:21hrs

    That's what I would like know as well because so far I have heard pple saying he extended by 6mins yet others say 8mins

  • Anonymous user

    21 Apr 2013 at 19:19hrs

    What is the truth? Did the referee really extend the time?

  • Moyo Roy

    21 Apr 2013 at 19:16hrs

    "anyone could have scored during that time as it was not additional time for any particular team" I Like that!

  • Zorai Butter

    21 Apr 2013 at 19:14hrs

    Ref used his discretion, rightly so to determine time added on. That's what refs do world over and NO, standard of refereeing has not gone has just not improved much over time. By the way, anyone could have scored during that time as it was not additional time for any particular team.

  • Gatsheni

    21 Apr 2013 at 18:57hrs

    It collapsd 6 yrs ago bt wht can be done sa long as its in favoure of dedraw nothing will be done ngaphandle kuze ku be yi dynalose eku recving side as long as benga beneficiery of the poor officiatin nothing will be done coz also zifa is behind dynalose have u ever heard that they lost a case even if the psl rules against them their father zifa will allwyz cover their backs

  • Moyo Roy

    21 Apr 2013 at 18:45hrs

    Lets Discuss!