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Bosso won't renew CEO's contract

by Staff Reporter
21 Nov 2021 at 09:24hrs | Views
HIGHLANDERS Football Club have decided not to renew the contract of their chief executive officer, Nhlanhla Dube when it expires at the end of the year.

Dube is on leave after his employer last month asked him to take a break since he had accumulated a lot of days. Ronald Moyo, the Highlanders media and communications officer is the acting CEO. It has since emerged that Dube, a former Highlanders secretary will cease to be a Bosso employee at the end of his contract on 31 December 2021.

Highly placed sources told this publication that Highlanders have formally written to Dube to inform him of the decision not to renew his contract so as to give him enough time to look for alternative means of survival while he winds up his contract with Amahlolanyama. The Bosso executive committee is said to be in agreement in their evaluation of Dube that he has not done much to earn a contract renewal.

"Nhlanhla Dube has been informed that his contract as Highlanders CEO will not be renewed. The club officially wrote to him recently so he now knows that he is not returning to his post,'' said the source.

Dube has since his initial two-year contract expiry on 30 April 2019, been a source of division at Highlanders. Vice-chairman Modern Ngwenya together with the then secretary Israel Moyo were in 2019 suspended after the two voted against adopting recommendations from the club's human resources committee to extend Dube's contract to the end of that year. His contract has been getting periodic renewals since then, with the extensions coming under the chairmanship of Kenneth Mhlophe, who early this year lost in the elections to Josphat Sibanda.

Ngwenya and Moyo were eventually expelled from the committee after a full hearing but appealed that decision and returned to their positions a few months later. Moyo eventually lost the secretary's post to Morgen Dube in the elections held early this year.

Highlanders chairman, Sibanda proffered a diplomatic response when a comment was sought from him about Dube's status at the club.

"We don't comment about employer and employee contracts in the media and public, that's confidential information. I can't comment on that,  that is the policy of the club," Sibanda said.

Source - Sunday News