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#EdHasMyVote campaign spreads to sport

by Staff reporter
19 Mar 2018 at 13:07hrs | Views
Zanu-PF youths have taken their #EdHasMyVote drive through sport by staging a sporting tournament.

Mashonaland West Ward 24 won the soccer tournament while Ward 35 lifted the netball trophy at the tournament held in Nyabira.

As part of efforts to reach out to all corners of the population and unite youths, the Zanu-PF youths in Mashonaland West held a soccer and netball sporting event involving six wards in Zvimba district.

Ward 24 defeated Ward 26 3-1 to be crowned winners of the six team tournament.

In netball, Ward 35 bagged the trophy after dispatching Ward 25 5-3.

Zanu-PF Ward 20 Youth Chairperson Christopher Matesi said the sporting fiesta is an opportunity for the youths to garner support for their presidential candidate Cde Emmerson Mnangagwa and the revolutionary party.

"We have noted most youths are popular with sport, hence we are saying let's utilise this platform to sell the ideas of the party," said Matesi.

Zimbabwe Congress of Students Union National Secretary Tapiwa Marongere says as students they are fully rallying behind the #EdHasMyVote, hence students were present.

"We have noted that we can speak to the youths on what the party is offering ahead of the elections," Marongere said.

Tournament sponsor Chester Mhende says it is important for the revolutionary party to reach out to every Zimbabwean and explain the ideals of the party.

"We saw that sport has a huge following, mostly the youths who are hesitant to attend rallies, hence we can catch them while they play," said Mhende.

The #EdHasMyVote is a campaign strategy launched by the Zanu-PF Youth League to canvass support for the revolutionary party's presidential candidate Cde Emmerson Mnangagwa and the party ahead of the polls slated for this year.

Source - zbc