Sports / Soccer
Dynamos vs Harare City - LIVE
06 May 2018 at 14:25hrs | Views
Dynamos *1 - 2 Harare City
Goal Alert*
Fulltime scores
Dynamos 1-2 Harare City
Highlanders 1-2 ZPC Kariba
Shabanie Mine 1-1 CAPS United
Mutare City Rovers 1-1 Black Rhinos
Triangle United 2-0 Bulawayo Chiefs
90+2' Last Dynamos corner, wasted
91' Goal!!! Nyamandwe puts ZPC Kariba ahead with 3 minutes to go
90+1' Counter but Dhemere tries to be too stylish and Harare City sweep it out of danger
90' 3 minutes to be added
89' Dembare's Kumwala looping header crushes against the under part of the CROSSBAR but can't roll in and Harare City clear
88' Muvirimi attempt is wide of Mateyaunga's goal post.
85' A Dhemere attempt is cleared by Samanja off the line.
83' Two footed challenge by Mukambi on Muchenje is penalized
Sub Harare City:- Takunda Mukanga IN - P Kabwe OUT
80' Kangadzi corner a flick on and no takers for DeMbare
77' Goal!!! Anelka Chivandire doubles Triangle's lead.
77' Mukambi to Kumwala who releases cleo down the left a cross into the box, Kangadzi flicks on and Mukumba header misses the upright
74' Dynamos caught out two on two Muvirimi and Vengesai against Mukambi and Machazane but former Bosso player does well to rescue the situation for Dembare
73' Goal!!! John Zhuwawu heads home to equalise for CAPS United
71' Harare City substitution: Gaki OUT - Vengesai IN
70' City dominating as they camp in Dynamos' half.
69' Kapupurika does well to sweep past two markers but can't cut it back. Harare City clear
67' Freekick to City. Not a good position if you are a Dynamos faithful. Muvirimi the sub shoots straight into Mateyaunga's waiting arms
64' Dynamos sub - Musharu OUT - Muvirimi IN
61' Musharu on the counter from a Tumba assists but he only manages to shake the outside of the nets
59' Goal!!! Moses Demera equalises for ZPC Kariba against Highlanders
58' Dynamos in danger of being caught out as they commit more man in attack
55' Harare City retaining more possession.
52' Sub Dynamos - Moyo OUT - Mukumba IN as Dynamos needs to defend a dangerous looking freekick. Harare City miss the target
51' Goal!!! Wellington Taderere equalises for Black Rhinos.
49' Muchenje shoots Machazane heads and Mukambi makes sure
46' Chimwemwe long-range attempt but Mateyaunga saves but concedes a corner. Commotion inside the box as DeMbare fail to clear the corner Musharu eventually blasts over the bar from 5 metres out
Dynamos Sub - Panashe OUT - Kapupurika IN
Second Half Resumes
Half-time results across the country
Dynamos 1 - 2 Harare City
Highlanders 1-0 ZPC Kariba
Shabanie Mine FC 1-0 CAPS United
Mutare City Rovers 1-0 Black Rhinos
Triangle United 1-0 Bulawayo Chiefs
45+2' Mateyaunga impeded upon by Musharu. Lengthy stoppage as Dynamos medics attend to Mateyaunga
45'+1 Musharu's header goes wide.
45' Goal!! Ajana put Shabanie in front against Caps United
45' Potrasho Kabwe cross and Musharu with a divine header. It goes wide
44' Nyamupanedungu makes a good save to deny Kangadze
43' Kumwala can't take a Mwerahari pass into his stride and they clear
42' Goal!!! Ozias for Highlanders
39' Mutasa cuts back and Marufu rushes in Moses Muchenje blocks. Corner to Dynamos. Mandiranga takes it and Dhemere helps it on with a flick, Kangadzi shoots at the far post its cleared off the line. Dynamos come again and Kangadzi shoots but Nyamupanedengu saves. Pressure by Dynamos
Shabanie Mine 0-0 CAPS United
Mutare City Rovers 1-0 Black Rhinos
Triangle United 1-0 Bulawayo Chiefs
Highlanders 1 - 0 ZPC kariba
36' Freekick to Dynamos 3m outside the center circle but Blessing wastes it
33' Chadya the ref with his first questionable decision. ignores a foul on a Dynamos player and blows for a similar offence a second later to award Harare City a freekick
32' Mandiranga beats his markers before he shoots over.
30' Mandiranga gets past a number of marker he has time to prepare and aim from just outside the box but he rushes and shoots wide
27' Harare City attack but Mwerahari recovers.
26' Gaki center to Musharu but he slips and Dembare survive a scare
23′ Goal!!! Mutare City in the lead through Khumbulani Njovo
23' So close to an equalizer as Mandiranga shot is saved by a low dive by Nyamupanedengu. Kumwala again attempts but it sails wide
20' Dhemere pounced on a Kangadzi shot that was punched by Nyamupanedengu
19' Goal!! Dhemere for Dembare
18' Goal!!! Lameck Nhamo scores for Triangle United.
18' Dynamos chance Kangadzi to Mandiranga who can't blast it in and City clear
13' Goal!!! Chayambuka Harare City mesmerizing and Chayambuka taps it in to double the lead
10' Dynamos win a corner after good move that ended with Kangadzi cross but Samanja clears for a corner
9' Dhemere through but picks wrong option trying to set up Mandiranga and Harare City clear
9' Chimwemwe cross and Panashe fails to clear and Chayambuka taps in
8' Goal!!! Bright Chayambuka capitalise on a blunder by Panashe Mutasa.
1' City launching first attack but it ends in a goalkick.
Dynamos XI: T. Mateyaunga, G. Mukambi, M. Machazane, O. Mwerahari, J. Marufu, B. Moyo, K. Dhemere, E. Mandiranga, P. Mutasa, Q. Kangadzi, K. Kumwala.
Harare City: M. Nyamupanedengu, R. Uchena, T. Chimwemwe, B. Chayambuka, M. Dironyenye, T. Samanja, M. Muchenje, T. Tumba, K. Musharu, P. Kabwe, M. Gaki.
Goal Alert*
Fulltime scores
Dynamos 1-2 Harare City
Highlanders 1-2 ZPC Kariba
Shabanie Mine 1-1 CAPS United
Mutare City Rovers 1-1 Black Rhinos
Triangle United 2-0 Bulawayo Chiefs
90+2' Last Dynamos corner, wasted
91' Goal!!! Nyamandwe puts ZPC Kariba ahead with 3 minutes to go
90+1' Counter but Dhemere tries to be too stylish and Harare City sweep it out of danger
90' 3 minutes to be added
89' Dembare's Kumwala looping header crushes against the under part of the CROSSBAR but can't roll in and Harare City clear
88' Muvirimi attempt is wide of Mateyaunga's goal post.
85' A Dhemere attempt is cleared by Samanja off the line.
83' Two footed challenge by Mukambi on Muchenje is penalized
Sub Harare City:- Takunda Mukanga IN - P Kabwe OUT
80' Kangadzi corner a flick on and no takers for DeMbare
77' Goal!!! Anelka Chivandire doubles Triangle's lead.
77' Mukambi to Kumwala who releases cleo down the left a cross into the box, Kangadzi flicks on and Mukumba header misses the upright
74' Dynamos caught out two on two Muvirimi and Vengesai against Mukambi and Machazane but former Bosso player does well to rescue the situation for Dembare
73' Goal!!! John Zhuwawu heads home to equalise for CAPS United
71' Harare City substitution: Gaki OUT - Vengesai IN
70' City dominating as they camp in Dynamos' half.
69' Kapupurika does well to sweep past two markers but can't cut it back. Harare City clear
67' Freekick to City. Not a good position if you are a Dynamos faithful. Muvirimi the sub shoots straight into Mateyaunga's waiting arms
64' Dynamos sub - Musharu OUT - Muvirimi IN
61' Musharu on the counter from a Tumba assists but he only manages to shake the outside of the nets
59' Goal!!! Moses Demera equalises for ZPC Kariba against Highlanders
58' Dynamos in danger of being caught out as they commit more man in attack
55' Harare City retaining more possession.
52' Sub Dynamos - Moyo OUT - Mukumba IN as Dynamos needs to defend a dangerous looking freekick. Harare City miss the target
51' Goal!!! Wellington Taderere equalises for Black Rhinos.
49' Muchenje shoots Machazane heads and Mukambi makes sure
46' Chimwemwe long-range attempt but Mateyaunga saves but concedes a corner. Commotion inside the box as DeMbare fail to clear the corner Musharu eventually blasts over the bar from 5 metres out
Dynamos Sub - Panashe OUT - Kapupurika IN
Second Half Resumes
Half-time results across the country
Dynamos 1 - 2 Harare City
Highlanders 1-0 ZPC Kariba
Shabanie Mine FC 1-0 CAPS United
Mutare City Rovers 1-0 Black Rhinos
Triangle United 1-0 Bulawayo Chiefs
45+2' Mateyaunga impeded upon by Musharu. Lengthy stoppage as Dynamos medics attend to Mateyaunga
45'+1 Musharu's header goes wide.
45' Goal!! Ajana put Shabanie in front against Caps United
45' Potrasho Kabwe cross and Musharu with a divine header. It goes wide
44' Nyamupanedungu makes a good save to deny Kangadze
43' Kumwala can't take a Mwerahari pass into his stride and they clear
42' Goal!!! Ozias for Highlanders
39' Mutasa cuts back and Marufu rushes in Moses Muchenje blocks. Corner to Dynamos. Mandiranga takes it and Dhemere helps it on with a flick, Kangadzi shoots at the far post its cleared off the line. Dynamos come again and Kangadzi shoots but Nyamupanedengu saves. Pressure by Dynamos
Shabanie Mine 0-0 CAPS United
Mutare City Rovers 1-0 Black Rhinos
Triangle United 1-0 Bulawayo Chiefs
Highlanders 1 - 0 ZPC kariba
36' Freekick to Dynamos 3m outside the center circle but Blessing wastes it
33' Chadya the ref with his first questionable decision. ignores a foul on a Dynamos player and blows for a similar offence a second later to award Harare City a freekick
32' Mandiranga beats his markers before he shoots over.
30' Mandiranga gets past a number of marker he has time to prepare and aim from just outside the box but he rushes and shoots wide
27' Harare City attack but Mwerahari recovers.
26' Gaki center to Musharu but he slips and Dembare survive a scare
23′ Goal!!! Mutare City in the lead through Khumbulani Njovo
23' So close to an equalizer as Mandiranga shot is saved by a low dive by Nyamupanedengu. Kumwala again attempts but it sails wide
20' Dhemere pounced on a Kangadzi shot that was punched by Nyamupanedengu
19' Goal!! Dhemere for Dembare
18' Goal!!! Lameck Nhamo scores for Triangle United.
18' Dynamos chance Kangadzi to Mandiranga who can't blast it in and City clear
13' Goal!!! Chayambuka Harare City mesmerizing and Chayambuka taps it in to double the lead
10' Dynamos win a corner after good move that ended with Kangadzi cross but Samanja clears for a corner
9' Dhemere through but picks wrong option trying to set up Mandiranga and Harare City clear
9' Chimwemwe cross and Panashe fails to clear and Chayambuka taps in
8' Goal!!! Bright Chayambuka capitalise on a blunder by Panashe Mutasa.
1' City launching first attack but it ends in a goalkick.
Dynamos XI: T. Mateyaunga, G. Mukambi, M. Machazane, O. Mwerahari, J. Marufu, B. Moyo, K. Dhemere, E. Mandiranga, P. Mutasa, Q. Kangadzi, K. Kumwala.
Harare City: M. Nyamupanedengu, R. Uchena, T. Chimwemwe, B. Chayambuka, M. Dironyenye, T. Samanja, M. Muchenje, T. Tumba, K. Musharu, P. Kabwe, M. Gaki.
Source - online