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Equipment to track telecommunications services usage now in place in Zimbabwe

by Staff Reporter
06 Jun 2022 at 10:23hrs | Views
ZIMBABWE has enhanced its capacity to track the uptake of telecommunication services after the commissioning of equipment to monitor traffic inflows by network providers.

The telecommunications traffic monitoring system unveiled this Monday will also provide accurate real time data collection thereby plugging revenue inflow loopholes.

Regulatory authorities are convinced the latest system will also create a platform for transparency by the telecommunications sector.

"Until now, POTRAZ has relied on a self-declaratory regime, where operators declare their own revenues. However, the information and statements provided by mobile network operators has the potential of being inaccurate, which means the nation may actually be prejudiced of revenue. The sheer potential of declarations by operators being inaccurate also undermines the regulators oversight ability," said Dr Gift Machengete, Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe Director General.

Government says it is the need to facilitate accurate statistics that is important in sustaining the growth of the telecommunications sector.

"Cybercrime is rampant across all the sectors including the telecommunications sector. The cost of such crimes is deep into six figure digit figures and most of such crimes go unreported. Government is pleased the TTMS system will assist in combating telecommunications or fraud perpetrated traffic refilling and the use of grey routes or illegal gateways in the conveyancing of international traffic.

"The fraudulent traffic ends up being refilled into public networks through SIM boxes or illegal gateways, prejudicing the operators and the economy of the much needed foreign currency earnings," said Information Communication Technology, Postal and Courier Services Minister, Dr Jenfan Muswere.

The new system also detects fraudulent activities and tracks down perpetrators of such crimes.

It also provides a revenue assurance system that allows authorities to track traffic by operators in real time, hence calculate revenue generated by each operator in real time.

Source - zbc