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WATCH: A tour along the Historic Intemba Road in Bulawayo

by Mncedisi Nyathi
12 Oct 2023 at 19:10hrs | Views
Intemba Road is one of Bulawayo's most important arterial roadways, connecting more than nine neighborhoods.

Gwabalanda, Luveve, Magwegwe North, Lobengula West, Magwegwe West, Pumula East, North and South, and finally Nkulumane 12 are all crossed by Intemba road. The road is 9.1 kilometers long.

The name Intemba has a long and illustrious cultural significance in the history of the Ndebele people. Entembeni is a town located north of Bulawayo at the mouth of the Khoce River. During the reign of King Mzilikazi, an army regiment was stationed in eNtembeni village. The regiment was known as the Intemba regiment. The Entembeni Old People's Home, which opened in 1967, is likewise named after the settlement of Intemba.

Check out the video at the bottom of this post to see how the Intemba road looks like as of October 2023.