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First Capital Bank accused of working with fraudsters

by Mandla Ndlovu
15 Jun 2022 at 09:28hrs | Views
A scandal is hounding First Capital Bank after it was revealed that bank insiders are allegedly working with conmen to create fraudulent bank accounts.

The red flags against First Capital were raised after complainant (name supplied) sent a transfer to an account which was listed as a GMB silo account when in fact it belongs to an individual. The bank was alerted of this anomaly and a reversal of the transfer was initiated from the sending bank (name supplied).

Sources that spoke to this reporter said First Capital Bank however refused to reverse the funds and began a process of stalling indicating that some people from within the bank are in cohorts with the fraudsters who are abusing GMB's brand and name.

"The reversal has been stalled and remains stalled which might allow the conmen to withdraw the funds and flee while First Capital Bank is dragging its feet.

"The transfer sender has suffered prejudice and the bank refuses to take any action even though they have been alerted that this is a fraudulent account." The source said.

Source - Byo24News