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Pretoria - They arrived, they sang louder, they delivered!!!!

by Mawande C. T.
28 Oct 2021 at 13:19hrs | Views
A Cluster of Mthwakazi Republic Party led by its Party President Mqondisi Moyo Yesterday, 27/10/21, Stormed the United Nations (UN) Offices in Pretoria to Hand over its Free Mthwakazi Petition.

The Party Supporters Sang Revolutionary Songs With Energy to Ensure That Their Message was Heard. it was Such an Electrifying Moment That Invited the Motorists to Hoot in Support of the Dancing MRP Supporters. when the Party Spokesperson mr Velile Moyo Availed Himself, the Brave Supporters Showed Their Strength and Dedication by Singing  Louder. Moyo In-turn did not Disappoint as he Joined the Fray Before he Could Address the Jubilant Supporters who Braved the Chilly Weather to air Their Grievances.

A Scintillating Address by Moyo who Showed his Sagacity, Drove the Supporters Crazy who Responded by Giving him a Round of Applause.  Moyo Raved Strongly at the Zimbabwe Government That has Treated the People of Mthwakazi as Second Class.

"It"s not our Wish to be Here in South Africa but we Were Driven out of our Father's Land by the Government of Zimbabwe That Treat us Like Second Class People. our Wish is to go Home and Build our Country Hence we are Here Today to Hand over our Petition to the UN."

"We Have a Plethora of Reasons to Tell the Whole World why we Deserve to Pull out of Zimbabwe. let the World out There Know That we are Tired of Living in Other Countries," Said Moyo.

The MRP Leader Challenged the UN to Intervene and Assist the People of Mthwakazi to Attain  Their Independence. he Said That the Zimbabwe Government Under Zanu PF has led to the Suffering of the Mthwakazi People and Find Themselves Scattered all over the World.

"It's Very Much Discombobulating to be Driven out of Your Country Because of the People who Claim to be Open to Discussions. the Same People  are not Even shy to say They Will Always Listen to People. we Challenge the Globe to Stop the Suffering of Mthwakazi People by  Recognising our Rights."

"There is no way we Will Look Back Before  our Voice is Heard. we Will Make Sure That Mthwakazi People are Free at Last. we Want our People to Enjoy the Fruits of Their Fathers who Fought Gallantly During the war of Liberation."
Moyo Said  the Inescapable Truth Will Always be Told Even  Though There are People who Want to act as if They do not Know That Mthwakazi is a Country on its own.  in Addition he Said his Party Will Make Sure That the Resources of "our Country Benefit the People of Mthwakazi."

"We Want to Grab the Game by the Scruff of its Neck and Ensure That our Resources in the Form of Minerals Benefit our Country. There is Nothing for us That can be Solved Without us, as United as we are, we Will Definitely Achieve our Goals."

"The Schizophrenic Attitude Towards the Mthwakazi People by Zanu PF is Nothing but Pain in our Lives.  we are Always Maligned for no Apparent Reasons Just to Paint us Black, That Must Come to an end. Give Caesar What Belongs to him, let the Marriage Between Zimbabwe and Mthwakazi Come to an end." Moyo Said Before the Party President Read the Petition That was to be Handed to the UN Official.

Source - Mawande C. T.