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SADC condems in the strongest terms failed attempted coup in DRC

by Maxwell Haitengeswinyika Teedzai
20 May 2024 at 05:55hrs | Views
BREAKING: The SADC - Southern African Development Community, which HE President Dr ED Mnangagwa will soon assume the role of Summit Chair released a presser this morning condemning in its strongest terms the attempted coup d`état that happened on 19 May 2024 in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), after gunmen tried to attack the homes of senior officials of the DRC government including that of President Félix Tshisekedi.

While condemning this act of violence, SADC Secretariat said it wishes to extend its appreciation to the DRC army for having arrested the perpetrators and ceased any escalation that could have occurred from this unfortunate incident.

Source - Maxwell Haitengeswinyika Teedzai