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WATCH: Mzingwane Boys High School in a sorry state

by Mafu Sithabile
01 Oct 2017 at 18:24hrs | Views
Concerned parents have brought to's attention the dangerous conditions their children are being exposed to at Mzingwane Boys High School.

The concerned parent wrote "Just this morning a jojo tank fell from the Limpopo hostel and destroyed a wall and other things putting the life of the boys at risk. It is understood the big jojo tank hand been erected on a small and old stand."

The frustrated parents who say they pay a lot of money to send their children to school feel that these conditions show just how uncaring the school's administration is about the welfare of the boys.

On another issue, apparently, 5 Mzingwane boys were arrested and appeared before Esigodini magistrate for stealing laptops from form one and two pupils.

The parent wrote, "It is reported the syndicate was hiding them on the ceilings until one of the boys took them to his mother who hid them and even refused to tell the truth in front of the police officers."

The theft was reportedly confirmed after her son confessed that he had brought the laptops home and gave them to his mother.

The concerned parent believes that the school authorities are hiding these bad news and he only found out after a nephew from ZPC asked him about the case and given the case number

The drains in Semukwe hostel are not working properly and there is rubbish everywhere, including rotten mattresses. The doors have broken down because of a lack of proper maintenance.

Watch video below:

Source - Concerned Parent