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How to improve academic performance with proper time management

by Staff Writer
20 Aug 2019 at 11:37hrs | Views
IMAGE Credit: toppr
How to Improve Academic Performance with Proper Time Management I am sure that you have at least once encountered a situation where you would like to have more than 24 hours in a day so that you can do everything, but a miracle does not happen. When I was a student, I always found myself in a situation when I did not have enough time to complete all the tasks set for me, which extremely negatively affected my academic performance. Over time, I realized that, in fact, 24 hours a day is more than enough and I do not even need to sleep less in order to successfully do everything without negative impact on my performance. And in this post, I want to share my own life hacks based on my personal experience.

Get a notebook or scheduler

First of all, you need to get yourself a notebook, which will serve as a checklist for you, which you need in order to perform tasks in turn. For example, you can download the Courtesy app for iOS or ZenDay for Android and iOS, which are convenient enough for users, free, and generally do their job well. But I would recommend that you spend a little time and buy a paper notebook that will delight you every day and you will be happy to fill it out. The advantage of such a notebook is that its presence will motivate you to update it, while you can simply forget about the mobile application.

Fill in the notebook in the evening

I understand that you may be too lazy to sit down at the table every evening and think of tasks for the next day, but believe me, that is the most effective way. Every evening, think about what you need to do, imagine how much time you need and where you will do this or that task, and try to combine tasks so that you do not lose time between them. For example, if you know that you need to go to the supermarket, you can combine a trip to the supermarket with a trip to the gym, and the time you would spend on the way to the store and back, you can spend on something else.


In some situations, especially during your student years, when you have more subjects and homework than free time, learn to prioritize. You will probably understand me when I say that some of the tasks you have to do are either of no value to you at all, or much less important than what supports your passion and desire to work on yourself every day. If you are sure that the exact sciences are your future and you understand that you do not have enough time to read the War and Peace and its detailed analysis for the essay, entrust this task to professionals on Writemyessayonline - they will help you save valuable time and use it to good use. But you should not abuse this method if you want to continue to benefit from education.

Perform tasks and do not put off "for later"

If you have made a plan and have a clear understanding of the tasks set for you, do not allow yourself to be lazy and transfer responsibility to the future. When this future comes, you will again find a reason to do nothing, which will lead to another procrastination, and as a result, you may never begin to complete the task. Remember that the responsibility for your academic performance lies solely with you, others are not interested in helping you, so when you postpone the task for later, you are deceiving yourself and dealing a very strong blow to your future. If you have a task in your notebook, you must complete it at the scheduled time, otherwise, the whole process will not make sense.

Do not let spare time overrelax you

In order to constantly keep pace, you should never let yourself overrelax, and even your spare time should be spent to good use. When on your day off you lie in bed all day or play video games, your body goes out of its usual pace and it adapts to the one when you do not need to do anything. Each working day keeps your body and mind in good shape and an unexpected day off can ruin everything that you worked on for the long weeks before. After a long weekend, you will not want to return to your workflow and daily routine, and you will have to start all over again. In order to avoid the adverse effects of leisure and use it to good, you should start a hobby or come up with an activity that will develop you and keep your body and mind in good shape. Never be lazy to create detailed step-by-step plans, even for the weekend, so as not to allow idleness to prevail over you.

I hope my recommendations will help you with your academic performance, and you will learn to value and use time rationally.

Source - Byo24News