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Man fakes accident to conceal hit and run

by Staff reporter
06 Mar 2022 at 08:23hrs | Views
A 25-YEAR-OLD hit and run suspect tried to evade arrest by faking an accident minutes after fleeing from the scene.

Ngqabutho Brian Sibanda of Nkulumane, Bulawayo was arrested by the police after he allegedly ran over Mr Mandlenkosi Sibanda (52) along Luveve road on 28 February.

The now deceased, Mandlenkosi Sibanda, was found lying beside the road along Luveve road opposite a private clinic in Luveve 4.

After fleeing the first scene, Brian Sibanda went on to try and conceal the hit and run by faking an accident, claiming he had veered off the road and fell into a trench.

Police officers who attended the scene were, however, quick to unearth the fake accident as the car had blood stains and other signs that were not  corresponding with the accident.

Bulawayo provincial police spokesperson Inspector Abedinico Ncube told Sunday News that Brian Sibanda was immediately arrested.

"Police arrested Ngqabutho Brian Sibanda in connection with a fatal accident that occurred on 27 February 2022 at around midnight.

He ran over Mandlenkosi Sibanda along Luveve road.

"The driver tried to fake an accident to conceal the hit and run, but police who attended the fake accident observed that the damages on the vehicle and blood stains were not corresponding with the accident.

Upon being questioned further the driver admitted to have been involved in an accident along Luveve road on 27 February 2022 at around 12 midnight.

"The same debris which were found at the scene matched with those found on the accused's motor vehicle and he was arrested," said Insp Ncube.

It also emerged that the suspect was not a holder of a driver's licence.

Source - The Sunday News
More on: #Fake, #Accident, #Run