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Desperate Zanu-PF Youth League offers free transport for voter registration

by Staff reporter
05 Feb 2023 at 08:25hrs | Views
Zanu-PF has embarked on a massive voter registration blitz for its members, with its Youth League executive pledging to ferry members to registration centres starting tomorrow.

In an interview after addressing thousands of youths in Harare South yesterday, the Youth League's chairman for Harare province, Emmanuel Mahachi, said: "As we are approaching elections, we have seen that a considerable number of youths in Harare are yet to register to vote. Starting on Monday (tomorrow), we will be encouraging youths in all constituencies in the province and offering them transport to register to vote.

"ZEC (Zimbabwe Electoral Commission) has for now closed registration centres in constituencies and wards, so people can now only register in the city centre (Cecil House and Market Square). We have seen that our youths may need assistance in terms of transportation to these registration centres," he said.

Mahachi said youths are continuing to see the benefits of supporting and joining the party through various youth-centred projects championed by President Mnangagwa.

He urged the party's youths to refrain from being lured into campaigning for individuals before a directive has been given by the party leadership.

"For now, we are campaigning for our President because we have not yet been instructed to start choosing candidates. So, we are urging the youths to remain steadfast and not be swayed by aspiring primary elections candidates before we have been advised to do so by the party leadership," said Mahachi.

Source - The Sunday Mail
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