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Zanu-PF bigwigs evict CCC tenants from Gutu shops

by Staff reporter
20 May 2023 at 19:29hrs | Views
Tenants who support CCC are being evicted from shops owned by Zanu-PF bigwigs in the sprawling district of Gutu.

Some of the reasons given for the evictions are that they the tenatnts are allowing their party supporters to drink from the premises.

One of the shops where this has happened is located at Mvimvi Business Center in Ward 4 while two are at Mushayavanhu Business Centre in Gutu Central.

Political analysts expressed shock at the vindictiveness and intolerance displayed by top Zanu-PF politicians in Gutu.

Senator Lovemore Matuke who is Zanu-PF secretary for security and a Deputy Minister is one of those accused of kicking out his tenant.

Matuke exploded when phoned for a comment and called a Mirror reporter stupid.

"Who are you? Why are you asking about the issue? Do not be stupid, that issue has nothing to do with you," said Matuke before he hung up.

Lillian Muradzikwa Zvichemo who runs a shop at Mushayavanhu confirmed in a telephone call that she was evicting a CCC supporter from her shop.

"You can come on May 30 or June 1, 2023 there will be a shop available if you are one of our party supporters. I have a CCC tenant that I am kicking out of my property this month end. This is not the time to associate with people who are not Zanu-PF," said Zvichemo to a Mirror reporter who called looking for a place to rent.

The tenants refused to comment for fear of victimisation and begged The Mirror not to publish the story.

At Mvimvi, Farai Mafuratidze was evicted at the end of last year when CCC supporters on a campaign trail stopped and bought drinks from his shop.

A Zanu-PF supporter in the area, Emma Chihambakwe reported the incident to Ward 3 councillor who approached the owner of the shop and advised him to evict the tenant. The tenant has since moved to another place.

Efforts to get a comment from Chihambakwe

Source - The Mirror
More on: #Zanu-pf, #Ccc, #Eviction