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'CCC candidate absconded community service'

by Staff reporter
02 Jul 2023 at 15:43hrs | Views
THE Nelson Chamisa-led Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC)'s shambolic candidate selection process could come back to haunt the party after it emerged that one of the aspiring candidates allegedly absconded community service after he was convicted for public violence.

CCC's candidate selection process followed what they termed a citizen-led process which however, was marred by confusion leading to the party almost failing to file their nomination papers on time in most of the areas around the country.

The party also ended up having numerous double candidates and in Bulawayo they failed to file their provincial council list.

It has since emerged that their candidate for the Lobengula-Magwegwe constituency Mr Ereck Gono has a previous conviction after he, together with the Bulawayo Deputy Mayor, Councillor Mlandu Ncube and Clr Felix Mhaka, were convicted for public violence and given a 12-month prison sentence.

Six months of the sentence was suspended by the then Bulawayo magistrate, Sithembile Ncube on condition of good behaviour while the remainder was suspended on condition that they do community service. The three were convicted after violence broke out at the party offices in Bulawayo following the MDC-T split in 2014.

According to Ms Ncube's judgment Clr Ncube and Clr Mhaka led the group that destroyed Dr Thokozani Khupe's vehicle while Mr Gono's vehicle was used to ferry stones in the commission of the offence.

"From a reading of the record of the proceedings it becomes apparent and clear that there was intra-party violence on the day in question; the property including motor vehicles were damaged while some people were injured and the Appellants were all seen by the witnesses committing the offence.

"It is apparent and clear that violence erupted immediately soon after the three Appellants were denied entry into the meeting. It is common cause that the Appellants arrived together at the MDC offices on the day in question at the material time. Artwell Sibanda told the court that he observed that the 1st and 2nd Appellant (Clrs Ncube and Mhaka) were leading the pack which destroyed a vehicle used by Dr Thokazani Khupe. He linked the 3rd Appellant (Mr Gono) to the offence on the information received, that vehicles linked to him were used to carry stones," reads part of the judgement.

After the conviction Clrs Ncube and Mhaka, reportedly appealed the sentence as they were also campaigning for the 2018 harmonised elections and the convictions could hinder their election. Although both Clr Ncube and Clr Mhaka declined to comment on the matter, sources close to them confirmed that indeed they had filed their appeals.

"The two had to immediately appeal their conviction as it impacted their participation in the 2018 harmonised elections, I guess Gono took it lightly and only started to run around this year but he had already absconded the community service," said the source.

Contacted for comment, Mr Gono insisted that he had appealed the matter and the appeal has been pending at the High Court for the past five years.

"I appealed that matter and I have the documents to prove it. The appeal has been before the High Court for five years," said Mr Gono.

However, the documents sent by Mr Gono which he said were part of the appeal, were stamped January 19, 2023 from the National Prosecuting Authority and the Registrar of the High Court (Criminal Division).

A legal expert said Mr Gono faces arrest and prosecution if indeed he absconded doing community service, a development that would render his candidature in the August elections a nullity".

Source - Sunday News