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Varakashi4ED attack CCC agenda of 'reversing the land reform'

by Staff reporter
22 Jul 2023 at 16:02hrs | Views
Varakashi4ED have attacked the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) leader, Nelson Chamisa for vowing to reverse the gains of the liberation struggle once he comes into power.

In a statement, today, Varakashi4ED highlighted that they would intensify their efforts to lambast Chamisa and his opposition party following his declaration on the land reform reversal.

"As Varakashi4ED, we are resolutely against such unpatriotic and toxic agendas and we have intensified kurakasha (to hit) such mhandu (enemy) on social media, ground and ballot box. We will vote against Chamisa and his political outfit, CCC to prevent the reversal of the gains of the liberation struggle.

"We will vigorously vote for President ED Mnangagwa and Zanu-PF who are seized with entrenching the gains of the liberation struggle," reads the statement.

Varakashi4ED commended the developmental projects being implemented by President Mnangagwa.

"We are highly pleased by EDWORKS across all sectors including the Agriculture sector where EDWORKS have yielded bumper harvests of maize, tobacco, wheat and national food security. Any agenda to reverse the Land Reform is therefore outrageously counter-revolutionary and counter-productive and we are seized with crushing such," reads the statement.

Varakashi4ED further highlighted that people voted for Zanu-PF because of its ideology and its steadfastness to protect the gains of our independence.

"Voting for Zanu-PF is intact protecting the gains of our liberation as well as our independence and sovereignty, so anyone who preaches any other gospel that is not centered on protecting the gains of our hard earned independence is totally an enemy of the masses and we condemn such utterances made by perennial loser Chamisa," reads the statement.

On 16 July 2023, Chamisa addressed his rally in Gweru where he announced that he would reverse Zimbabwe`s Land Reform if he happens to get into power.

Source - hararepost