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Chiwenga pays tribute to Matebeleland heroes

by Staff reporter
18 Aug 2023 at 06:55hrs | Views
VICE President, Dr Constantino Chiwenga, yesterday paid tribute to the liberation struggle heroes from Matebeleland South Province and urged the electorate to vote in their numbers for the ruling party to honour their legacy.

Speaking  at Dekezi area in Insiza District, Matebeleland South where he addressed a Zanu-PF rally that was attended by thousands of supporters,  VP Chiwenga said the Second Republic led by President Mnangagwa has scored major milestones in fulfilling the aspirations of the liberation struggle icons.

He took the large gathering down memory lane as he gave an account of the contribution of the province's distinguished heroes to the liberation struggle.

Among the province's heroes is the late Vice  President, Dr Joshua Mqabuko Nkomo, popularly known as Father Zimbabwe, Cdes Jason Ziyaphapha Moyo, George Silundika, Prof Callistus Ndlovu, Sydney Malunga, Naison Khutshwekhaya Ndlovu, Edward Silonda Ndlovu and Brigadier General Mfakazi Mleya among others.

"Matebeleland South province has many respected heroes of the liberation hence we should honour them by voting the ruling party Zanu-PF. In this province we have Father Zimbabwe, Dr Joshua Mqabuko Nkomo. We can't talk of liberation without mentioning Dr Nkomo's name," said VP Chiwenga.

He said Dr Nkomo was arrested and incarcerated at Gonakudzingwa among other prisons but he never gave up on the struggle to liberate Zimbabwe.

Dr Chiwenga said Dr Nkomo remained resolute until the end. "How do we honour him, should we honour him by giving the country back to the detractors? No." said VP Chiwenga.

Dr Chiwenga, who is a son in- law of Insiza where his wife, Miniyothabo comes from, said the legacy of the liberation struggle icons should not be betrayed through voting for the opposition.

"I am asking you my in-laws to honour these luminaries of the liberation struggle. They sacrificed their lives for this freedom we are enjoying today hence we have an obligation to honour them by voting Zanu-PF which  is committed to fulfilling their aspirations," he said.

VP Chiwenga said President Mnangagwa's Government is committed to uplifting the people's lives as demonstrated by the implementation of many life- changing projects across the country.

"We should not leave anyone behind. We want all the corners of Zimbabwe to be developed. That is why we say ‘Nyika Inovakwa Nevene Vayo/Ilizwe Lakhiwa Ngabanikazi Balo," he said.

Source - The Chronicle