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Mthwakazi snubs December 9 by-elections because of lack of reforms

by Staff reporter
10 Nov 2023 at 01:28hrs | Views
The Mthwakazi Republic Party (MRP) has declared its decision not to nominate candidates for the upcoming December 9 by-elections, citing the absence of electoral reforms in Zimbabwe as a barrier to achieving free and fair elections. 
Velile Moyo, the party's spokesperson, emphasized that these by-elections, established by Zanu-PF, symbolize political wrongdoing by the ruling party. MRP has opted out of participating in what it views as a flawed and systematic manipulation of the state.
Moyo asserted that the party will reassess its revolutionary agenda, aiming to align it with a strategy that does not validate or support the current contentious systems. The party is exploring legal channels, with a focus on international lobbying and petitioning various international bodies, deeming these approaches as more effective than engaging with native colonial systems. Moyo highlighted the party's commitment to reviewing its revolutionary framework regarding Zimbabwean elections and their potential impact on the broader revolution.

In a recent plea to the European Union Observer Mission during the August 23 and 24 harmonized elections, MRP sought assistance in re-establishing a separate Mthwakazi State distinct from Zimbabwe. Party president Mqondisi Moyo informed EU observers that their primary objective was the restoration of the Mthwakazi State, and the EU was a key institution they had petitioned earlier in the year, gathering 20,000 signatures from the Matabeleland region.

Furthermore, MRP accused Zanu-PF of persistently using state apparatus to stifle dissenting voices. The party expressed concern that Zanu-PF's actions contribute to political chaos, emphasizing that without electoral reforms in Zimbabwe, the prospect of free and fair elections and the realization of democracy remain distant.

Source - Southern Eye