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Mugabe no longer in charge, gukurahundists now in charge
15 Oct 2016 at 15:38hrs | Views
Mthwakazi Republic Party Information Department in South Africa said they have been following professor Jonathan Moyo's so called fraud case with a kin interest and they have also been following ZANU PF Succession politics with a kin interest zmid indication That President TRobert Mugasbe was no longrer in charge of his party.
The party said its members in the department together with their security department are interested in this matte and were viewing this case as a broader war of state capture than just a mere corruption scandal.
"We have since established through intelligence gathering that it is now Team Lacoste in charge of the country "Zimbabwe" and in particular the Karànga people led by Mnangagwa are now in charge of Zimbabwe and their colony "Mthwakazi" through State security. Mugabe thought he was clever when he gave the Karanga to run the defense," said Babangmazi Silwelizwe Masiphula the provincial information officer.
"According to sources in Harare Mnangagwa and his faction are now more dangerous than ever before as they are using State security to fight opponents within ZANU PF party and opposition parties. Energy Mutodi who have previously been seen as the Team Lacoste's information guy has revealed that the target is not only Moyo but Mphoko as well. He stated that it is better for Jonathan Moyo to be arrested and tried in court now than when Mugabe is no longer President as if to suggest he knows when are they taking over. Energy Mutodi challenged Mugabe to come clean on Professor Jonathan Moyo's case."
He said Mutodi has come to his boss's defense by accusing Dr Joshua Nkomo of being power hungry Mutodi also said Gukurahundi Genocide was caused by Dr Joshua Nkomo, which is a blatant lie and is meant to shield Mnangagwa from facing the International Criminal Court over the unprovoked Genocide.
"Mutodi says Mphoko and Moyo must stop using tribalism, regionalism, and Gukurahundi genocide as a tool to steal from government, as he savaged Mugabe in his latest press statement on Facebook. Mnangagwa is fighting tooth and nail to replace Mugabe as President to avoid being sent to jail, a situation that has made him to establish a strong accult meant to fight off Mugabe backed G40. According to wiki licks and inside information Mujuru represented a reformist group which wanted to take over power from Mugabe and implement a pro peaceful and developmental approach as they approach both Mthwakazi and the international community for a negotiated settlement, while Mnangagwa and others were not included in Mujuru's planned government," he said.
"Something which was resisted by the party's hard liners led by Mnangagwa. Professor Jonathan Moyo and Grace Mugabe were in the process used to remove Mujuru, and they were made to believe that they were now in charge when in fact it was the Lacoste team in charge but they foolishly did that. Amongst the G40 group only Professor Jonathan Moyo is viewed as the most dangerous person in the G40 faction. And Mnangagwa wants him eliminated as soon as possible by any means possible, hence the fraud case. We are not sure whether it was a mere coincidence for Professor J Moyo's family to demand for his father a Gukurahundi Genocide victim to be properly reburied days before his fraud case was published."
He said of late Mnangagwa has been linked to many groups that has been demonstrating for many different reasons in Harare, in the process targeting G40 members especially Professor Jonathan Moyo, Vice President Phelekezela Mphoko and Mugabe.
"All the most vocal pressure groups tribal in nature in Harare are linked to Mnangagwa and are meant to frustrate Mugabe and force him to relinquish power. After what happened to Mujuru and her faction Mnangagwa knows what is at stake for him and he is ready to fight back," he said.
"The Professor Jonathan Moyo saga is deeper than many people think of, of the over $450 000-00 allegedly stollen from Zimdef funds non of the transaction directly links Moyo or at least where he benefited personally. Instead according to ZACC it was Gandawa who benefitted $70 000-00 direct which he used to settle a personal loan. Which according to ZANU PF standard of corruption a mere $70 000-00 in two years is not really a crime, though corruption is corruption it must never be tolerated, we believe Moyo is being targeted for political reasons linked to the ZANU PF succession."
He said Lacoste members have been stealing Billions of Dollars in diamond scandals, Mnangagwa's boys have also been stealing Millions in state funds.
"Chris Mustvangwa, Super Mandiwanzira, Themba Mliswa, Energy Mutodi, Moyor Wadlajena, security chiefs in army, CIO and police are some of the benefitaries in the Lacoste diamond scandal but nothing has so far happened to them, which brings us to the conclusion that Professor Jonathan Moyo is being targeted for political reasons, his only crime is that he is Ndebele and belongs to the wrong faction within Zanu PF. We are not fans of any ZANU member or members and we don't care what happens to individual ZANU PF members. Our only interest in this matter is Mthwakazi Restoration, tribalism exposure and Mthwakazi capture by Zimbabwe," he said.
"We have been informed that Moyo is still being pursued in connection with this matter, despite the fact that Mugabe in his capacity as Zimbabwe President and supposedly Commander-in-chief of the defense forces ordered his security chefs to leave him alone. Prompting us to believe the long standing rumour that Robert Mugabe is no longer in charge of this country, instead its the members of the Joint Operations Command where Mnangagwa plays a key role who are now in charge of the day to day running of the country as proven by the Jonathan Moyo issue Mugabe is just a place holder."
The party iofficial said they were also gathered that Mnangagwa is against anyone who brings in Gukurahundi genocide issue and he is ready to do away with anyone who brings that subject.
"According to sources Mnangagwa's team has doubled the number of CIO into Matabeleland and we all need to be extremely careful as we conduct our business as long as we all understand that carefulness does not translate to fear. G40 is also reportedly ready to fight back a situation that is beneficial to Mthwakazi, a tactful Mthwakazi can gain its Independence during this period as ZANU PF and Shona Suprimists fight against each other," he said.
"The Gukurahundi Genocide issue plays a pivotal role and stands as motivation to Mnangagwa to take over the Presidency. What happened to Former South African President Dr Thabo Mbeki is about to befall Zimbabwe and Robert Mugabe. Just like Mnangagwa, Zuma had over 700 cases he was facing which could have nailed him if he had not managed to be President, he fought his way to the Presidency of the ANC and eventually South Africa for protection, for him it was a do or die situation just like Mnangagwa himself. He is fighting a do or die war and he knows what is at stake a good reason why he has become more dangerous than never before. Even during Gukurahundi genocide he was not as dangerous as he is now."
He said individuals in the G40 group are expected to be in danger than never before as Mnangagwa is now preparing for State capture. Our sources reveal that the G40 is being linked to Mthwakazi Restoration because there are many Ndebele people within the group.
"Most of the G40 members are not war vets which makes them vulnerable to the cunning Mnangagwa faction made up of mostly ZANLA war veterans and Karanga tribe in particular. We believe that a Mnangagwa Presidency in this country before Mthwakazi attain its independence will be a recipe for dissenter and must be resisted by all means necessary to avoid any stumbling block to our resolve for self determination," he said.
The party said its members in the department together with their security department are interested in this matte and were viewing this case as a broader war of state capture than just a mere corruption scandal.
"We have since established through intelligence gathering that it is now Team Lacoste in charge of the country "Zimbabwe" and in particular the Karànga people led by Mnangagwa are now in charge of Zimbabwe and their colony "Mthwakazi" through State security. Mugabe thought he was clever when he gave the Karanga to run the defense," said Babangmazi Silwelizwe Masiphula the provincial information officer.
"According to sources in Harare Mnangagwa and his faction are now more dangerous than ever before as they are using State security to fight opponents within ZANU PF party and opposition parties. Energy Mutodi who have previously been seen as the Team Lacoste's information guy has revealed that the target is not only Moyo but Mphoko as well. He stated that it is better for Jonathan Moyo to be arrested and tried in court now than when Mugabe is no longer President as if to suggest he knows when are they taking over. Energy Mutodi challenged Mugabe to come clean on Professor Jonathan Moyo's case."
He said Mutodi has come to his boss's defense by accusing Dr Joshua Nkomo of being power hungry Mutodi also said Gukurahundi Genocide was caused by Dr Joshua Nkomo, which is a blatant lie and is meant to shield Mnangagwa from facing the International Criminal Court over the unprovoked Genocide.
"Mutodi says Mphoko and Moyo must stop using tribalism, regionalism, and Gukurahundi genocide as a tool to steal from government, as he savaged Mugabe in his latest press statement on Facebook. Mnangagwa is fighting tooth and nail to replace Mugabe as President to avoid being sent to jail, a situation that has made him to establish a strong accult meant to fight off Mugabe backed G40. According to wiki licks and inside information Mujuru represented a reformist group which wanted to take over power from Mugabe and implement a pro peaceful and developmental approach as they approach both Mthwakazi and the international community for a negotiated settlement, while Mnangagwa and others were not included in Mujuru's planned government," he said.
"Something which was resisted by the party's hard liners led by Mnangagwa. Professor Jonathan Moyo and Grace Mugabe were in the process used to remove Mujuru, and they were made to believe that they were now in charge when in fact it was the Lacoste team in charge but they foolishly did that. Amongst the G40 group only Professor Jonathan Moyo is viewed as the most dangerous person in the G40 faction. And Mnangagwa wants him eliminated as soon as possible by any means possible, hence the fraud case. We are not sure whether it was a mere coincidence for Professor J Moyo's family to demand for his father a Gukurahundi Genocide victim to be properly reburied days before his fraud case was published."
He said of late Mnangagwa has been linked to many groups that has been demonstrating for many different reasons in Harare, in the process targeting G40 members especially Professor Jonathan Moyo, Vice President Phelekezela Mphoko and Mugabe.
"All the most vocal pressure groups tribal in nature in Harare are linked to Mnangagwa and are meant to frustrate Mugabe and force him to relinquish power. After what happened to Mujuru and her faction Mnangagwa knows what is at stake for him and he is ready to fight back," he said.
"The Professor Jonathan Moyo saga is deeper than many people think of, of the over $450 000-00 allegedly stollen from Zimdef funds non of the transaction directly links Moyo or at least where he benefited personally. Instead according to ZACC it was Gandawa who benefitted $70 000-00 direct which he used to settle a personal loan. Which according to ZANU PF standard of corruption a mere $70 000-00 in two years is not really a crime, though corruption is corruption it must never be tolerated, we believe Moyo is being targeted for political reasons linked to the ZANU PF succession."
He said Lacoste members have been stealing Billions of Dollars in diamond scandals, Mnangagwa's boys have also been stealing Millions in state funds.
"Chris Mustvangwa, Super Mandiwanzira, Themba Mliswa, Energy Mutodi, Moyor Wadlajena, security chiefs in army, CIO and police are some of the benefitaries in the Lacoste diamond scandal but nothing has so far happened to them, which brings us to the conclusion that Professor Jonathan Moyo is being targeted for political reasons, his only crime is that he is Ndebele and belongs to the wrong faction within Zanu PF. We are not fans of any ZANU member or members and we don't care what happens to individual ZANU PF members. Our only interest in this matter is Mthwakazi Restoration, tribalism exposure and Mthwakazi capture by Zimbabwe," he said.
"We have been informed that Moyo is still being pursued in connection with this matter, despite the fact that Mugabe in his capacity as Zimbabwe President and supposedly Commander-in-chief of the defense forces ordered his security chefs to leave him alone. Prompting us to believe the long standing rumour that Robert Mugabe is no longer in charge of this country, instead its the members of the Joint Operations Command where Mnangagwa plays a key role who are now in charge of the day to day running of the country as proven by the Jonathan Moyo issue Mugabe is just a place holder."
The party iofficial said they were also gathered that Mnangagwa is against anyone who brings in Gukurahundi genocide issue and he is ready to do away with anyone who brings that subject.
"According to sources Mnangagwa's team has doubled the number of CIO into Matabeleland and we all need to be extremely careful as we conduct our business as long as we all understand that carefulness does not translate to fear. G40 is also reportedly ready to fight back a situation that is beneficial to Mthwakazi, a tactful Mthwakazi can gain its Independence during this period as ZANU PF and Shona Suprimists fight against each other," he said.
"The Gukurahundi Genocide issue plays a pivotal role and stands as motivation to Mnangagwa to take over the Presidency. What happened to Former South African President Dr Thabo Mbeki is about to befall Zimbabwe and Robert Mugabe. Just like Mnangagwa, Zuma had over 700 cases he was facing which could have nailed him if he had not managed to be President, he fought his way to the Presidency of the ANC and eventually South Africa for protection, for him it was a do or die situation just like Mnangagwa himself. He is fighting a do or die war and he knows what is at stake a good reason why he has become more dangerous than never before. Even during Gukurahundi genocide he was not as dangerous as he is now."
He said individuals in the G40 group are expected to be in danger than never before as Mnangagwa is now preparing for State capture. Our sources reveal that the G40 is being linked to Mthwakazi Restoration because there are many Ndebele people within the group.
"Most of the G40 members are not war vets which makes them vulnerable to the cunning Mnangagwa faction made up of mostly ZANLA war veterans and Karanga tribe in particular. We believe that a Mnangagwa Presidency in this country before Mthwakazi attain its independence will be a recipe for dissenter and must be resisted by all means necessary to avoid any stumbling block to our resolve for self determination," he said.
Source - Byo24News