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'MDC-T candidate arrogant, aloof and and out of touch'

by Staff reporter
29 May 2018 at 06:27hrs | Views
Villagers in Kezi believes that the 2018 Zanu-PF parliamentary candidate is humble, respectful helps them with community projects and the MDC-T Chamisa candidate is arrogant, aloof and not in touch with the community.

This was revealed by Zenzele Ndebele, former editor of the Bulawayo based Radio Dialogue. Ndebele said he was at St Joseph and St Anna. "But I heard the comments at St Joseph. I think the Zanu-PF guy is a local business person."

Said Ndebele, "Yesterday I was in Kezi. A few Villagers told me the Zanu-PF candidate is humble, respectful helps them with community projects and the MDC T candidate is arrogant, aloof and not in touch with the community."

Zanu-PF will be represented by Saul Mahalima Ncube while MDC-T Chamisa will be represented by 'some guy who was in the diaspora.'

A commentator Tobias Sibanda said that must explain the less than impressive crowd at Chamisa's Maphisa rally.

Ndebele added, "Abadala told me uyabuya ezimfeni and he buys grossaries kumafuneral. Bathi uJaha we MDC ubakhangelela emanzini." However, he was quick to add that, "it doesn't mean zanu will win."

The area was once represented by Lovemore Moyo who quit the Chamisa led MDC citing tribalism and sexism within the party.

Source - Byo24News