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Kereke impregnates wife from Prison?

by Mandla Ndlovu
31 Oct 2018 at 09:17hrs | Views
Norton Member of Parliament Temba Mliswa has sensationally claimed that jailed former ZANU PF MP Munyaradazi Kerekere has impregnated his younger while in prison.

Said Mliswa, "In a conversation overheard by a prison guard between Kereke and his younger wife's sister, word has it that whilst in prison Kereke has impregnated his younger wife. One's left wondering where the act took place and why he's being given preferential treatment, why not let others too?."

Kereke was in 2016 slapped with a 14-year-jail term after being convicted of sexually abusing his relatives' then 11-year old daughter at gunpoint, but four years of his jail time were suspended on condition of good behaviour.

Since his incarceration, the former Bikita West legislator made several attempts, through bail applications, to seek release from prison on bail pending appeal, but to no avail.

In February this year, Kereke again filed another bail application bid based on changed circumstances, stating the current leadership in government would understand that his incarceration was politically-motivated.

Conjugal rights for prisoners has been a hot issue among lawmakers and HIV rights groups in Zimbabwe.

In an Interview with the private media recently, Zimbabwe Prisons and Correctional Services (ZPCS) Commissioner-General Paradzai Zimondi said, "It's not even in the Constitution, if the law said so we would consider it. As for now, we are not even thinking about it. We have been talking about overcrowding in our prisons, how would this even materialise. Maybe in the women's section; where the inmates have not gone beyond the 500 mark. Ours is just to rehabilitate them."

Source - Byo24News