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Obert Mpofu appears in court

by Mandla Ndlovu
25 Jun 2019 at 15:38hrs | Views
Embattled ZANU PF Secretary for Administration Dr Obert Moses Mpofu appeared at the Bulawayo Magistrates court on Tuesday on a matter where Ntabazinduna Chief Nhlanhlayamangwe Felix Ndiweni and 22 villagers are jointly accused of malicious damage to one Fetti Mbele's property.

Cultural activist Nothiwani Dlodlo posted n Twitter that, "Obedient Son (Umdudla) was in Bulawayo Tredgold magistrates court his answer to most of the questions fielded to him was No comment.The case will be finalized on 3 July 2019."

Mpofu became involved in the matter after Chief Ndiweni told the court last year that the case was  Mpofu's efforts to revenge for criminal charges Ndiweni had filed against him.  Ndiweni claimed that Mpofu stole 200 cattle from his late father Chief Khayisa Ndiweni. He also said that he had reported the matter to the police but the docket disappeared.

It is alleged that in 2017, Mbele and his wife fought over an adultery matter. The matter was reported to Ndiweni who ordered that Mbele's wife should vacate the matrimonial home. Mbele and his wife later reconciled but Ndiweni demanded that the wife vacate.

Mbele's wife did not and Ndiweni accused the duo of disrespecting the court. He allegedly destroyed Mbele's fence and kraal, took Mbele's cow and a calf as a fine and also took Mbele's wife to her parents' home against the couple's will. He also reportedly threatened to destroy Mbele's home if he did not vacate the area.

Mpofu was barred from entering ZANU PF offices by the ZANU PF Youth League after being accused of corruption allegations.

The Youths led by Lewis Matutu and Godfrey Tsenengamu said they are adviding Mpofu to stay at home and clear his name before he can be allowed to resume his duties at ZANU PF Headquaters.

Mpofu was instrumental in the installation of President Emmerson Mnangagwa as President of ZANU PF during the November 2017 coup.

Source - Byo24News