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Gaddafi's 'son' set for Zimbabwe prison release

06 Jul 2019 at 10:23hrs | Views
A LIBYAN man claiming to be slain Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi's son is set for release and deportation after languishing at Harare Remand Prison since 2014.

This was after his case was struck off the roll by High Court Judge, Felistus Chatukuta.

Abdallha Moussa Mone Yousof Mouammare Al Gaddafi (32) came into the country as an asylum seeker and expected to be accepted as a refugee and also admitted in camp, but Zimbabwean authorities chose to detain him at the Harare prison instead.

He has remained there since; without any trial and or charges being levelled against him.

The Libyan is being represented by Zimbabwe's Charles Warara, famous for leading the private prosecution and conviction of former Zanu-PF legislator, Munyaradzi Kereke over rape.

Now the courts will not be involved in his case after it was struck off the roll on Friday.

"The matter was removed from the roll so that we can facilitate his repatriation to a country of his choice in the next 30 days," said Warara.

"In a way, the State agrees to set him free once modalities are in place. He will remain inside to facilitate that process," the lawyer told

Abdallha claims to be the late Libyan leader's adopted son and challenged his continued detention through the courts.

Warara was asked to take the case up by High Court.

When he took up the case, Warara said Abdallha confirmed that it is a fact he is the adopted son of the former Libyan strongman, who was toppled and assassinated in 2011.

Gaddaffi was close ally to former Zimbabwean president Robert Mugabe.

It is believed it was on that basis that his son sought protection from Zimbabwe through political asylum in Harare.

The man has no documentation at all.

In papers before the courts, the Libyan had said his continued detention was now "amounting to a sentence served without an offence committed" and urged the court to order his "immediate release unconditionally."

Source - newzimbabwe
More on: #Gaddafi, #Prison, #Son