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Politiburo members descend on Mazowe chaos

by Simbarashe Sithole
05 Sep 2021 at 07:41hrs | Views
ZANU PF politburo members today descend on Mazowe district in Mashonaland Central province to try and douse flames following last week's skirmishes that fingered provincial chairman Kazembe Kazembe.

Chaos rocked the party's Mazowe district last week after Kazembe reportedly sent his aides to try and change the venue of a district coordinating committee meeting to his private office without the knowledge of other officials, a development that irked party supporters and culminated into clashes.

Kazembe is reportedly at the centre of the fights in the province where he has been accused of dividing the party while pursuing "other agendas."

In a letter dated August 31 addressed to the party politburo member Kenneth Musanhi, the Zanu PF DCC chairperson for Mazowe Tafadzwa Musarara said there was need for intervention following the skirmishes and fingered Kazembe for being behind the clashes.  

Musanhi is the most senior Zanu PF politburo member in the province.

Mazowe DCC spokesperson Kushinga Dutiro confirmed the meeting but could not give details.

"There is a DCC meeting tomorrow," he said curtly.
Politburo members expected for today's meeting include Musanhi, Fortune Chasi among others.

Musarara said while the district coordinating committee successfully mobilised and undertook their programmes in Mazowe Central, Mazowe North and Mazowe South constituencies, the latest development has affected the party programmes hence the need for intervention.

"Regrettably, we faced unprecedented defiance in Mazowe West constituency. The meeting was, according to the official notice of the meeting issued by the DCC secretary for administration, supposed to be held at Dandamera council hall," Musarara's letter read in part.

"The chairman of Dandamera district, Cde (Cladious) Mswaka (who also doubles as Cde Kazembe personal driver), had earlier agreed to prepare the council venue which is a property privately owned by Cde Kazembe."

"This was done without the knowledge nor approval of the DCC chairman and DCC secretary for administration, Cde (Collence) Ndangana. Consequently, tampers rose and violence erupted among party members leaving me with no option but to cancel the meeting," Musarara added.

"It is my strong conviction and submission that Cde Mswaka, acting in concert and common purpose with Cde (Johnson) Mudzingwa, Cde (Timothy) Gorejena, (Shadreck) Muwandi, Willie Jones, Mutomba et al, intentionally disrespected and defied the operations of Mazowe DCC without just cause. Their conduct has disrupted the Phase 2 of the restructuring in the entire Mazowe West constituency and indeed has put the name of the party into disrepute," he said.

"I aver that I am under reasonable apprehension that all this fiasco occurred with tacit approval of Cde Kazembe."

Following the letter by Musarara, the Zanu PF politburo members in the province are today expected in Mazowe to deal with the matter.

Source - Byo24news