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Bosso in another mega sponsorship deal

by Staff reporter
16 Sep 2021 at 14:50hrs | Views
Fresh from a mega sponsorship deal worth nearly US$1million annually for the next three years, Highlanders are set to go into bed with another blue chip company with interest in construction work.

The Bulawayo giants on Tuesday entered into a game changing sponsorship deal with energy giant Sakunda Holdings that will see the company taking care of the team's salaries, signing on fees, administration requirements as well as a US$200 000 in bonuses if Mandla Lulu Mpofu,  the Highlanders gaffer lands the league title. Bosso last lifted the league title under Methembe Ndlovu in 2006.

Sources told Chronicle Sport that the Johnfat Sibanda led executive have been busy on the market  sourcing for sponsorship and the talks have to date charmed the construction giant (name supplied), whose interest also include road maintenance and mega buildings and stadium construction.

"These guys don't seem to be stopping in as far as courting the corporate world is concerned. They are  now on the verge of securing another mega deal with a construction company, this deal will however be tailor made to cover juniors as well as renovating the club house infrastructure. If it sails through, it's going to be another massive deal for the club," said a source. However Bosso spokesperson Ronald Moyo expressed ignorance on the developments.

"I know nothing about what you are talking about," said Moyo.

Before the Sakunda Holdings package, Bosso had already entered into a $3,6 million partnership arrangement with Utande who undertook to meet the first team players' salaries for the next six months beginning this month.

Source - chronicle
More on: #Bosso, #Sponsor, #Deal