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Malema strikes at the heart of Mnangagwa

by Mandla Ndlovu
27 Apr 2022 at 15:12hrs | Views
South Africa's Economic Freedom Fighters leaders Sello Julius Malema has thrown President Emmerson Mnangagwa under the bus by calling upon all Zimbabweans residing in South Africa to go and vote in the 2023 harmonised elections and remove ZANU PF.

Speaking at the Freedom Day celebration in Tshwane on Wednesday, Malema said, "Mnangagwa is a s clueless  like (Cyril) Ramaphosa. They are Siamese twins. We are making a plea to all Zimbabweans living in South Africa that when you are here you are home and feel at home.

"When they are elections go and vote and remove that nonsense and come back if you want. The people of Zimbabwe must rise and go to vote for a proper government in Zimbabwe. Let's help each other so that we become one big happy  family"

Malema urged Zimbabweans not to be comfortable in South Africa but to take active role in transforming their country.

"Let's not become comfortable and forget we have a duty to deliver a progressive government that will respect human rights because a progressive and prosperous Zimbabwe is a solution to the problems of South Africa because we want to help Africans  who are  helping themselves." Malema added.

Source - Byo24News