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WATCH: ZANU PF Youths to 'loot' Hopewell Chin'ono's goats on Sunday

by Mandla Ndlovu
30 Apr 2022 at 03:48hrs | Views
ZANU PF Youth Leader Taurai Kandishaya has vowed to lead a team of youths to go and collect Boer goats that belong to opposition aligned journalist Hopewell Chin'ono.

Addressing ZANU PF youths in a video that has gone viral, Kandishaya is heard saying they are happy that Chin'ono has posted online receipts of the goats that he purchased from South Africa so the ones that they are going to collect are those that do not have receipts.

Commenting on the planned looting, Chin'ono said, "The ZANUPF thug Taurai Kandishaya plans to loot my property on Sunday. I have instructed my workers not to fight with anyone, let them take. It is a side show to distract us, but one that will give the world a front row seat to seeing the property rights abuses in Zimbabwe."

Watch the video below:

Source - Byo24News