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Kuda Mahachi in the news again for wrong reasons

by Staff reporter
14 Jun 2022 at 06:36hrs | Views
TROUBLED winger Kudakwashe Mahachi allegedly snatched and smashed his sister's iPhone XR yesterday afternoon as part of concerted efforts to destroy evidence nailing him for purportedly scalding his four-year-old son with boiling water.

Mahachi's sister, Meline Mahachi, is a key witness in the ongoing police investigations.

A lawyer, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said Mahachi could be charged with destroying evidence, witness tampering, interfering with ongoing investigations, robbery and malicious damage to property.

Mahachi, who was accompanied by his wife, Rose Mahachi, his best friend Zibusiso Hadebe and an unidentified woman, is said to have visited Meline at her home in Bulawayo's Mzilikazi suburb around 1PM yesterday and asked her to come outside for them to talk privately.

Hadebe was behind the wheel of Mahachi's white BMW.

According to Paul Sixpence, Meline's husband, Mahachi demanded to search his sister's phone for WhatsApp conversations that could potentially confirm allegations that he deliberately poured boiling water on his son.

"As they were chatting, he asked to use my wife's phone as he said his phone had a problem. After she handed over her phone, he told her that her phone contained evidence of his case so he wanted to destroy it. My wife took her phone back.

"He then grabbed her violently and snatched the phone. After that he got out of the car, smashed the phone on the ground before he got back into his car and his friend sped off," said Sixpence.

Sixpence accompanied his wife to Mzilikazi Police Station to file a report.

"I am actually at the police station reporting him for violent conduct and stealing my phone. I didn't expect him to stoop that low. I don't have much to say," said Meline.

Bulawayo Provincial Police spokesperson Inspector Abednico Ncube confirmed the incident.

"We are investigating a case of malicious damage to property whereby Kudakwashe Mahachi is alleged to have smashed his sister's phone after visiting her. He is said to have asked to use her phone to track his own phone that he said he had misplaced. He then smashed it on the ground before he picked it up and went away with it. The phone is valued at US$400," he said.

Attempts to interview Mahachi proved fruitless as he refused to take the call, which was answered by his wife.

"Mahachi is busy right now, he cannot come to the phone, but these are lies. Nothing like that happened. I don't know why people are involving the media in this," said his wife Rose.

Source - The Chronicle
More on: #Kuda, #Mahachi, #Phone