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Criminal charges against Raymond Zondo

by Staff reporter
03 Jul 2022 at 17:31hrs | Views
Former Passenger Rail Agency of SA (Prasa) CEO Lucky Montana has vowed to lay criminal charges against Chief Justice Raymond Zondo, accusing him of "deliberate" violation of the law, abuse of power, "criminal conduct and disgraceful conduct".

Montana said Justice Zondo had used this commission to "effectively protect the real criminals among us and consolidated their power".

The former Prasa boss's offensive comes days after Justice Zondo handed the last instalment of the state capture report to President Cyril Ramaphosa, which implicated him in alleged wrongdoing. The final report addresses the alleged capture of public entities such as the State Security Agency (SSA), SABC, Prasa, and the Estina Dairy Project.

However, in the wake of Justice Zondo's report, Montana vowed to lay his own criminal charges against the country's chief justice.

"I am afraid to compromise myself. He does not deserve to be Chief Justice of the Republic of South Africa. A legal process should be initiated for his removal from office. I intend to lay the first criminal charges against him in the coming days or weeks after studying the full reports and consulting my lawyers," Montana said yesterday.

"It is also my firm view the reports of the State Capture Commission should not only be taken on review but criminal charges be laid against Justice Zondo personally for his deliberate violation of the law, abuse of power, criminal conduct and disgraceful conduct. He used this commission to effectively protect the real criminals among us and consolidated their power."

Montana further accused Justice Zondo of "selling his soul".

"As I continue to study the findings and recommendations of the commission's reports, I am shocked by the extent to which Justice Zondo has been prepared to sell his soul and protect the status quo. He had used his position to help strengthen and deepen the power of the Mineral Energy Complex since the advent of our democracy.

"The greatest, if not the only, test for the state capture commission reports should be the extent to which its findings and recommendation will assist South Africa to address its major challenges and fault-lines in our society."

Montana said judging by the contents of the various parts and volumes of the commission's report, the country should be worried.

Montana is the latest individual to go on the offensive against Justice Zondo after former president Jacob Zuma made his intentions clear to put the report on review through his spokesperson Mzwanele Manyi at a press conference on Saturday.

On Sunday, EFF president Julius Malema, while addressing his supporters at a rally marking the 67th anniversary of the Freedom Charter at Freedom Park in Kliptown, also took a swipe at Justice Zondo's state capture report, accusing the Chief Justice of looking out for white interests.

In the report, Justice Zondo recommended criminal prosecution against Montana and various other executives who allegedly benefited from tenders awarded to various companies by Prasa.

He has also asked the Hawks to speed up investigations into tender irregularities at Prasa while Montana was at the helm.

Justice Zondo said the National Director of Public Prosecutions, Shamila Batohi, should immediately appoint a team to oversee the investigations and prosecutions of those suspected of committing criminal offences at Prasa.

Source - Pretoria News