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Chauya Chikwata for real, this time?

by Staff reporter
20 Jul 2022 at 01:37hrs | Views
FOR new Zimbabwe Saints FC benefactor, Adrian Mtungwazi, the return of one of Zimbabwe's most successful and famous football clubs will not be possible if Chauya Chikwata's leaders continue pulling in different directions.

Mtungwazi described himself as a man of action when he announced that he was injecting US$30 000 into the club as well as paying winning bonuses for the team that is playing in the Southern Region Division One League.

He also bought two housing stands that have been awarded to the club.

Infighting within those in the leadership structures of the club has on previous occasions hindered the revamping of the yesteryears giants.

For Mtungwazi and his Adachi Disability Services, Chauya Chikwata belong in the topflight league and he is willing to see the dream comeback come to fruition with the greatest of urgency.

"If us with the capabilities come and chip in during these important times it will be of great help to the club.

"We have to put our heads together and work.

When you put money, people tend to fight but we hope people will put all that aside for the benefit of the club," said Mtungwazi.

Besides sponsoring football, Mtungwazi also does charity work.

"I have given food hampers in Barbourfields where I come from and Luveve where my wife was born. I work together with my wife in this project," said Mtungwazi.

With the coming in of Mtungwazi, Saints appear to have turned a corner and the club is headed for a change in fortunes.

Saints, Super League champions in 1988 and a top club since their formation in 1932, have faded into obscurity in the past two decades due to a plethora of reasons, chief among them lack of consistent sponsorship.

So financially hamstrung has Chikwata been that the club did not even exist or compete in any of the country's leagues for over five years until the intervention of one of the club's most prominent administrators and benefactors Vincent Pamire, who is president of the board of trustees.

After securing a franchise in the Zifa Southern Region Division One league through the benevolence of another Saints administrator Lloyd Munhanga, Pamire has been working hard to secure sponsorship that will allow the club to begin performing on the field.

Source - The Chronicle