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Mabhikwa orders re-instatement of divisive Kambarami

by Staff reporter
04 Aug 2022 at 17:33hrs | Views
The Bulawayo High Court has ordered the reinstatement of former Bulawayo deputy mayor and Ward 3 councillor Tinashe Kambarami .

Justice Martin Makonese delivered the ruling Thursday.

Back in 2019 the then Bulawayo High Court judge, Justice Thompson Mabhikwa, declared the election of Kambarami as ward three councillor null and void after the 1892 Mthwakazi Restoration Movement Trust and Nomalanga Dabengwa had approached the High Court challenging his election.

Kambarami however, appealed the ruling at the Supreme Court which overturned Justice Mabhikwa's ruling.

Following the Apex Court judgement, Kambarami attempted to attend a full council meeting in council chambers but the move was swiftly blocked by Mayor Solomon Mguni and Town Clerk Christopher Dube who claimed that local authority had not been served with the Supreme Court judgment.

At that time, Mguni also claimed that Kambarami was recalled from council by the Douglas Mwonzora led MDC-T party.

Kambarami, through his lawyers, then filed an agent High Court application.

He argued that his so-called recalling was null and void because it came after the High Court declarateur which disqualified him from holding the position of ward three councillor.

This year, after President Emmerson Mnangagwa announced the respective nomination court and by-election dates to fill in vacant seats across the country, Kambarami, through his then lawyer, Maqhawe Mpofu challenged the March 26 by-election in his ward by filing a declaratur. He won the case.

It was on this basis, that Justice Makonese ordered his reinstatement.

Source - NewZimbabwe