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WATCH: Prophet Edd Branson funds Bulawayo's Sizwakele Ndlovu show

by Mandla Ndlovu
28 Dec 2022 at 03:57hrs | Views
Popular Television host and Bulawayo celebrity Sizwakele Ndlovu, affectionately known as Zwa, has received a shot in the arm for her Travel Heifer program after Harare based clergyman Prophet Edd Branson sponsored her with broadcasting equipment.

Zwa's Travel Heifer, which is a travel and tourism program, aired on ZTV and has now grown big on social media.

In a video, Zwa thanked Branson for sponsoring her show with a state of the art recording mobile phone device, laptop and other broadcasting equipment.

Ndlovu becomes the first content creator from Matebeleland to receive support from Prophet  Branson who in the past has supported several content creators including Chief Ben , Dj Towers among others.

Watch the video below:

Source - Byo24News