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Murehwa violence: Two more arrested

by Staff reporter
13 Jan 2023 at 05:46hrs | Views
TWO more suspects have been arrested over the alleged political violence in Murehwa following a video which went viral on social media.

In the video, some people could be seen assaulting both women and men at a homestead in Murehwa.

Paul Kachigu (34) and Dignity Nark,' (31) join Never Chimutashu (67) arrested earlier for the same offence.

National police spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi said investigations are still in progress.

"The ZRP is still conducting investigations with a view to account for the other suspects," he said.

The arrests come after police recently said they had taken note of the video and started conducting investigations. No one appears to have made a quick report to the police, who only became aware of the violence after the release of the video.

Zanu-PF Secretary for Information and Publicity Christopher Mutsvangwa has urged everyone to report any assault or threat promptly to the police so that investigations can start at the earliest possible moment.

Source - The Herald