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'Don't be a dunderhead and vote them back,' says Chapman

by Staff reporter
04 Mar 2023 at 16:22hrs | Views
DEMOCRATIC Union of Zimbabwe (DUZ) leader Robert Chapman has said Zimbabweans must not be dunderheads and vote the ruling party Zanu-PF back into power.

Chapman also said the country has a failed political system due to decades of misgovernance by the ruling party Zanu-PF.

Chapman was commenting on an article alleging that President Emmerson Mnangagwa, fearful of losing elections next year, is now in campaign overdrive, dishing out bribes to people right in the seat of government.

The article claims that Cabinet ministers are getting US$500 000 "loans" they have not applied for despite having a few months left in their terms. Deputy ministers are getting US$350 000 under a similar dodgy scheme. The bribes have been extended to all Members of Parliament who will each get US$40 000. How they are going to repay the 'loans is not explained, given that some may not be in the august house after the elections.

"When 'they' say they have 90% of the government, they mean 90% of all government, you can't fight corruption when you are eating at the same table. Zimbabwe has a 'failed political system," Chapman said on Twitter.

"Don't be a dunderhead and do the same thing over again, it's insanity. Prosperity is possible but requires you to change. Be different, be wiser and register to vote," he said.

Source - Byo24News