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Sikhala says his detation is based on lies

by Staff reporter
22 Mar 2023 at 06:59hrs | Views
INCARCERATED Zengeza West legislator Job Sikhala  yesterday said he has been detained for months based on a pack of lies.

Sikhala made the comments when he appeared before Harare magistrate Marewanazvo Gofa on charges of obstructing the course of justice.

He was being represented by his lawyer Harrison Nkomo.

"This case has been clouded with lies from the police and State. I have been incarcerated for 10 months based on lies and falsehoods to keep me here," Sikhala said.

"The State is just building its case on lies. One of the police witnesses Hardwick Maziti said they were going to bring eye witnesses and claimed that their case was based on eye witnesses only to revert later and say the police will use only the video.

"How can you charge a person based on a video seen online on YouTube and yet you have not tested its authenticity? I don't know that video and I don't know who recorded it."

Sikhala faces charges of inciting violence following the murder of opposition activist Moreblessing Ali in May 2022 by a suspected Zanu-PF activist Pius, alias Jamba, Mukandi.

He faces a separate charge of obstructing the course after he implicated Zanu-PF in Ali's murder.

"When I arrived at Chikurubi Maximum Security Prison in the morning on the day of my arrest, there were no charges pressed against me," Sikhala said.

"It was later on that day when I was charged with treason and then they brought the charge sheet which was later taken and destroyed, but later police officers said we are now charging you with obstructing the course of justice."

Gofa postponed the matter to today.

Source - newsday
More on: #Sikhala, #Jail, #Ccc