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Zanu-PF to launch election manifesto in Chipinge

by Staff reporter
14 Jun 2023 at 06:33hrs | Views
ZANU-PF will officially launch its 2023 election manifesto in Chipinge, Manicaland province next week, the party's National Political Commissar, Mike Bimha, has said.

Briefing the media after yesterday's Politburo meeting in Harare, Bimha said Zanu-PF as a revolutionary and democratic party will continue to seek broad based development and economic emancipation of the people founded on unshakable principles that uphold justice and equity for all.

He said the essence of Zanu-PF's ideological thrust is the establishment of a sustained society firmly based on its historical, cultural and social experience and to create conditions for economic independence, prosperity and equitable distribution of the wealth of the nation.

"We are now in the campaign period and Zanu-PF will launch its campaign manifesto in Manicaland province, Chipinge District next week at a day to be announced," Bimha said.

He said the healing and reconciliation process is ongoing around the provinces, while the training and deployment of polling agents is also taking place.

The Politburo, Bimha said, also received a report on the finalisation of the rankings relating to senators as well as members of the women's quota.

He said the Politburo also endorsed the President's call for peaceful campaigns.

Meanwhile, President Mnangagwa has appointed a veteran of the liberation struggle, Enock Sibanda, to the Elders' Council.

Source - The Chronicle