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Soldiers dish out Zanu-PF regalia

by Staff reporter
23 Jul 2023 at 03:13hrs | Views
Soldiers in military gear stole the limelight at President Emmerson Mnangagwa's campaign rally in Mashonaland Central as the Zanu-PF leader vowed that the ruling party would not be removed from power on August 23.

The members of the Zimbabwe National Army (ZNA) were in charge of distributing Zanu-PF party regalia some 2km away from the rally venue in Muzarabani.

Zanu-PF has bragged that the military is the cornerstone of its power, and it will not allow the opposition to take over.

In his address yesterday, Mnangagwa invoked the liberation struggle and said no party could remove Zanu-PF from power.

"We are aware of other political parties here in Zimbabwe. They are allowed to realise their desires to rule this country, but I can tell you that it is not easy when Zanu-PF is in power," he  said.

"You are children of freedom fighters, who suffered during the liberation war and we know when we come here you will defend the country's heritage and retain Zanu-PF when we go to the elections on August 23.

"If you are paid to cause violence just spend the money quietly because if we know about it, we will deal with you."

As in previous rallies, Zanu-PF bussed thousands of supporters to the venue yesterday.

Some of the villagers could be seen trying to leave a few minutes into Mnangagwa's speech.

The supporters, some of whom failed to get the chicken and chips, hampers, party regalia and other goodies promised by the ruling party, were left disgruntled.

Mnangagwa jokingly threatened to jail party chairperson Oppah Muchinguri and Home Affairs minister Kazembe Kazembe if Mashonaland Central province failed to vote resoundingly for his party.

"Here in Mashonaland Central you have always voted 100% for Zanu-PF, we don't see that changing," he said.

"If you vote wrongly it will be the fault of party chairperson, Muchinguri and provincial chairman Kazembe, I will jail them."

At the rally Mnangagwa received former MDC-T spokesperson, Witness Dube and nine MPs from the same party who dumped Douglas Mwonzora to join Zanu-PF. Dube said Mwonzora was incompetent and had no capacity to deliver anything tangible for the people of Zimbabwe.

Source - The Standard