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Zimbabwe's security organs intensify safety measures ahead of elections

by Staff reporter
04 Aug 2023 at 01:40hrs | Views
THE police and other security arms have intensified safety and security measures in the country to ensure that the public is free to conduct their activities in a serene environment ahead of the harmonised elections.

In a statement, police Commissioner-General Godwin Matanga applauded citizens for a generally peaceful environment that is prevailing in the country adding that Zimbabwe was ready to host peaceful, free, fair, and credible elections.

He said investigations are still in progress in connection with the 10 huts which were set on fire in Shurugwi, on July 30. The huts belonged to some Zanu-PF officials and supporters, Eva Chitata (42), Munyoro Getrude (63), Nkazana Mhlanga (46), Tobias Saul (51), Anna Mangena (62) and Lot Chivese (46). Two suspects Edson Madhuveko (28) and Edwin Madhuveko (21) have been arrested for the incident and have since appeared in court as police widen investigations.

"As the country heads towards the General Elections set for the 23rd August 2023, the Zimbabwe Republic Police applauds Zimbabweans for the peaceful environment which is prevailing in the country. The country is certainly ready to host peaceful, free, fair and credible elections. The Zimbabwe Republic Police continues to urge political parties to assist in maintaining order by preaching peace and urging their supporters and members to be tolerant of others' political views. Finally, I reiterate that the law will be applied decisively on anyone bent on causing chaos and disharmony in the country before, during and after the elections," said Comm Gen Matanga.

Despite the generally calm atmosphere, ZRP, said Comm Gen Matanga, has recorded minor reports of political disputes, violence and malicious damage to property.

He said 10 reports of malicious damage to property have been recorded by the police throughout the country.

According to Comm Gen Matanga, on July 29 2023 five people died at Mafararikwa Village, Chief Marange, Manicaland province when Tonderai Muchimwe (43) broke into the room in which his niece, Violet Muchimwe (35), whom he was in love with, was sleeping with her four children. Muchimwe who was armed with a knife demanded to have sexual intercourse with his niece leading to a scuffle.

Muchimwe fled leaving her children behind and Muchimwe sprinkled petrol in the house before setting it on fire resulting in the suspect and the four children dying as a result of the incident.

"This is a purely criminal act involving a marital dispute," said Comm Gen Matanga.

In a related incident, Emily Kamugiya (65), Letina Chimuka (70) and Maxwell Josi (12) died after the thatched bedroom they were sleeping in was set on fire by an unknown suspect on July 30 at Chitimbe Village, Chief Muzarabani, Mashonaland Central Province.

Comm Matanga said Police have established that one of the victims had been chased away by her son from St Alberts area on allegations of witchcraft in which she was said to be causing the illness of her grandchild.

Another case of malicious damage to property in which Brighton Mazhindu's (46) house in St Mary's, Chitungwiza was damaged on July 26, 2023 is also under investigation with the police saying the case points to intra-party violence after a dispute between Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) candidates over double parliamentary nomination for the same constituency "The behaviour shown by the accused may be an indication that he might have abused drugs or some substance considering his age and that of his victim as well as time of occurrence even the place," he said

Source - The Chronicle