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CCC deputy mayor's car in armed robbery

by Staff reporter
21 Aug 2023 at 06:36hrs | Views
Matebeleland South police are holding four Beitbridge men accused of robbing a mine in Gwanda allegedly using Citizens Coalition for Change Beitbridge deputy mayor Agnes Tore's car.

It is understood the robbers got away with a laptop and lithium batteries after being thwarted by a security guard who fired at them.

A closed-circuit television camera at the scene of the robbery captured the registration number of the gang's gateway vehicle, which led detectives to Tore's house, where the suspects were caught.

It is believed that one of the men is Tore's South Africa-based close relative.

National police spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi confirmed the incident.

"The robbery took place at a gold mine in Gwanda, where it is believed that the suspects wanted gold, but were disturbed by a security guard. They took off with a laptop and lithium batteries, all recovered in Dulivhadzimu. Police also recovered a pistol in a Honda car traced to Agnes Tore of Dulivhadzimu," he said.

Southern Eye is reliably informed that the gang leader arrived in Beitbridge, where he parked his South Africa-registered vehicle and got Tore's vehicle.

After images of the car were captured and traced to Tore's residence, Gwanda police tasked their Beitbridge colleagues who witnessed the suspects arriving at the residence.

The gang leader was arrested on the spot and led detectives to another house in Dulivhadzimu, where three suspects were picked up.

All suspects are believed to be closely related.

Nyathi said Tore was assisting the police with investigations.

Source - Southern Eye
More on: #Ccc, #Poster, #Robbery