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Pupil caught with 40 girls' panties

by Staff reporter
14 Sep 2023 at 13:39hrs | Views
A Gokomere High School pupil has left people tongue-tied after he was found in possession of more than 40 girls' underwear exiting the girls' hostel on September 10, 2023.

Masvingo Provincial Education Director Shylatte Mhike said her office had not received a report to that effect and would confirm from the District Schools Inspector (DSI).

However, the school head Aquanos Mazhunga confirmed the matter and said they were still investigating.

"I can confirm the incident, however, we are still doing investigations to get to the bottom of the matter, we will furnish you once we finalize," said Mazhunga.

The incident was uncovered by one parent who had gone to the school to drop his daughter and was asked to leave the learner's bags at the hostels which is where he met the boy exiting the girls' hostels.

"I went to Gokomere to drop off my daughter on Sunday (September 10). I found the matrons in a church service and they asked me to leave her bags at the hostel and apparently, there was no one at the hostels.

"Upon leaving the bags at the hostel, I met a young boy and asked him what he was doing in the girls' hostels and he lied saying he was there to drop a female student. I believed him at first but got suspicious after seeing that there was only one other parent's car and mine, of which he failed to identify the child he had come with and when I asked again he tried to run away.

"I got hold of him and searched him only to find girls' underwear stashed in his trouser and jacket pockets," said the parent.

The parent said when he questioned him about the underwear he told him he said he had not stolen them but his friends had left them with him.

"When I asked him he denied stealing the pants and said his friends left the pants with him and we took him to the matron who told us the pupil in question was always on the run and there had been reports of girls' pants missing at the school.

"The security personnel was called and confirmed that the pupil had been caught at the prefects' hostel earlier on showing he had a record of stealing girls' pants," said the parent.

The parent implored the school authorities to investigate the matter and take action immediately saying there could be more to the incident and could have been using the pants for some evil acts.

"The school authorities should get to the bottom of this matter, if he was stealing food or other items we could be saying maybe its hunger or he wants to sell and make extra cash. Stealing female underwear is weird and when I caught him he wrestled trying to escape and he is so powerful that no girl can match him," said the parent.

Source - TellZim News