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Lawlessness on Zimbabwe roads cannot continue

by Staff reporter
26 Sep 2023 at 01:20hrs | Views
Homes Affairs minister Kazembe Kazembe has issued a stern warning against the growing lawlessness on the country's roads, as the "Tame the Traffic Jungle" operation, initiated two weeks ago, continues to make headlines with over 43,100 motorists apprehended by the police.

Addressing the situation in a recent interview with, Minister Kazembe emphasized the importance of restoring order and compliance on the roads. He stressed, "We cannot allow the current level of lawlessness on our roads to persist. It is imperative that we restore order and sanity."

The minister's comments came in response to concerns about a transport crisis sparked by the ongoing police operation. Commuters have found themselves stranded, often forced to pay between US$1.50 and US$2.00 for trips that would typically cost only US$0.50.

Minister Kazembe continued to emphasize the role of the police in upholding the law, urging those in the transport industry to adhere to the country's regulations while continuing to provide essential services to the public.

Meanwhile, Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi, the police spokesperson, reported that the ongoing "Tame the Traffic Jungle" operation had resulted in the arrest of 43,154 motorists for various offenses. According to Nyathi, "The Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) has recorded a total of 43,154 arrests during the ongoing operation, with 1,222 arrests involving vehicles lacking proper route permits and 14,469 pertaining to illegal pirate taxis (mushikashika). Additionally, 342 motorists have been apprehended for reckless driving, while 2,961 face charges related to touting. Furthermore, 1,048 vehicles have been impounded for operating on the roads without proper registration plates."

Source - NewZimbabwe