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Tshabangu takes charge of CCC candidate selection

by Staff reporter
24 Oct 2023 at 16:42hrs | Views
The interim Secretary-General of the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) has moved swiftly to secure the party's interests by appointing three individuals to oversee the approval of candidates participating in the upcoming by-elections.

Tshabangu communicated with the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) to designate three authorized signatories responsible for endorsing candidates in the by-elections. The trio, all hailing from Bulawayo, consists of Sengezo Tshabangu, Mbuso Siso, and Jabulani Ncube.

His letter to ZEC stated, "In light of Statutory Instrument 188 of 2023, which has proclaimed the by-elections to be held on December 9, 2023, with the Nomination Court scheduled for November 7, 2023, I am writing in accordance with section 46(1)(c) and (2) of the Electoral Act (Chapter 2:13). I submit the designated officials of the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) who are authorized to co-sign the nomination papers of our party's endorsed candidates, and these individuals are Sengezo Tshabangu, Mbuso Siso, and Jabulani Ncube."

The letter further emphasized that no other individual is permitted to co-sign the nomination papers of any CCC-approved candidates for the upcoming by-elections.

These by-elections have been set for December 9 to fill vacant seats after Tshabangu recalled 15 opposition Members of Parliament. However, it's worth noting that the matter remains unresolved in the courts, as the recalled MPs are seeking legal redress.

CCC leader Nelson Chamisa has distanced his party from Tshabangu, branding him an imposter collaborating with Zanu-PF.

The contested constituencies include Beitbridge West, Binga North, Bulawayo South, Cowdray Park, Lobengula Magwegwe, Lupane East, Mabvuku Tafara, Mpopoma Mzilikazi, and Nketa.

Source - NewZimbabwe
More on: #Tshabangu, #CCC, #ZEC