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Zanu-PF recalls Umzingwane councillor

by Staff reporter
31 Mar 2024 at 14:35hrs | Views
ZANU-PF has written to the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) notifying the electoral body of a vacancy that has risen at the Umzingwane Rural District Council after recalling its councillor Similo Ndlovu for skipping three consecutive council meetings.

In terms of section 278 of the Constitution as read with section 32 (1) of the Rural District Council Act, a seat of a local authority becomes vacant is a councillor skips three consecutive meetings without council permission.

In a notice on Sunday, ZEC confirmed receipt of the letter from Zanu-PF.

"Now, therefore, the public is hereby notified that the Commission has received notification in writing of a party list vacancy in the Umzingwane Rural District Council by reason of the incumbent councillor, Similo Ndlovu, of Zanu-PF party, having skipped three consecutive council meetings without council permission," read the notice.

"It t is provided through the Rural District Councils Act chapter 29: 13 section 32 (1) (c) (ii) that a councillor shall vacate his office and the office become vacant if he is absent without council permission from three consecutive ordinary meetings of the council."
Ndlovu was elected through proportional representation.

Source - The Chronicle