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Chamisa criticizes Mnangagwa

by Staff reporter
05 Apr 2024 at 06:02hrs | Views
Opposition leader Nelson Chamisa condemned President Emmerson Mnangagwa's belated declaration of a drought state of emergency, asserting that it came too late after the government ignored early warnings.

Mnangagwa officially declared the drought a state of emergency on Wednesday, making Zimbabwe the third Southern African nation to issue such an alert, following Zambia and Malawi. This declaration enables the country to receive assistance as more than 2.7 million people face the threat of starvation.

Chamisa argued that Zimbabwe's leadership failures exacerbated the impact of the drought, stating:

"Drought in Zimbabwe has become an enduring challenge marked by persistent extreme weather conditions. Poverty, disease, and cholera epitomize our national perils. These collectively pose significant threats to our national security. It feels as though we are trapped in a recurring cycle since '07/'08. This underscores a failure in leadership.

"Declaring a state of emergency after the fact is insufficient, arriving too late and lacking in urgency. We disregarded warnings from experts, including the UN, WHO, WFP, and our own meteorological teams, who issued these warnings over a year ago. Our lack of preparedness underscores the drought of leadership and strategy as our primary drought hazard," Chamisa emphasized.

According to Mnangagwa, the country requires over US$2 billion to mitigate the impacts of the El Nino-induced drought, which will severely affect most Zimbabweans already grappling with a faltering economy.

Chamisa contended that the country could have averted the hunger crisis had it prioritized the development of dams as water reservoirs:

"We possess dams, but they remain underdeveloped, silting up with no plans for desilting. We have numerous undeveloped dam sites. We lack adequate water harnessing and harvesting plans.

"Other countries with less rainfall manage more effectively. With proper leadership and governance, Zimbabwe could flourish, exemplified by initiatives like the Green Agenda revolution.

"Climate-smart solutions demand a proactive approach, not reactive policies. Effective management of our water systems and land use is crucial for preservation and sustainability.

"Delaying the declaration of disaster offers no solution. Lives have been lost and continue to be lost. Our policies are feeble, sluggish, and inadequate. We are prepared to provide proactive leadership that acts decisively. We must address the drought of leadership. Zimbabwe deserves better," Chamisa asserted.

Source - newzimbabwe