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Monica Mutsvangwa going through a lot

by Staff reporter
18 May 2024 at 12:26hrs | Views
Women Affairs Minister Monica Mutsvangwa expressed her distress, acknowledging the tumultuous period she is enduring, exacerbated by recent events including her husband's dismissal from Cabinet and her son Neville's arrest.

Mutsvangwa, who was abroad when her son was apprehended, shared her hardships while addressing mourners at the funeral of the late Nyaradzo Funeral Services Chaplain General Reverend Ellison Kamupira this week.

"I was overseas when he (Kamupira) passed away. There's a lot happening in my life right now, but I felt it was important to pay my respects," she remarked.

Additionally, sources revealed that Mutsvangwa became emotional during a visit to Neville in remand prison, openly criticizing unnamed government officials whom she accused of targeting her family. She lamented that the adversity faced by her family was not the reason for their involvement in the liberation struggle, referencing her and her husband's past contributions.

The Minister also reflected on the tragic loss of her granddaughter in an accident last year, describing it as one of the most sorrowful experiences in her life.

In a leaked audio recording from last week, Mutsvangwa implicated unidentified political figures in her son's arrest, questioning the timing of his apprehension, coinciding with her absence from the country.

Observers note that Mutsvangwa's dismissal from the influential position of War Veterans Minister signals a loss of political favor. As a couple holding significant roles within ZANU PF, their influence was notable in local politics.

Meanwhile, Neville, along with Elias Majachani and Simbarashe Tichingana, faces charges including foreign currency dealing, cash trading, money laundering, and illegal possession of a Starlink router and antenna. Neville was found with 26 international debit cards linked to money laundering activities.

Source - businesstimes