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Obert Mpofu rallies Zimbabweans to embrace patriotism for national development

by Mandla Ndlovu
23 May 2024 at 04:17hrs | Views
Members of the League of Patriots paid a courtesy call on the Secretary General of ZANU PF, Obert Mpofu, who emphasized the importance of patriotism, diligence, and hard work in building a strong nation and economy. Mpofu urged Zimbabweans to support the vision of His Excellency Dr. ED Mnangagwa for a united, peaceful, and developed Zimbabwe by actively contributing towards national growth and progress.

During the meeting, Mpofu particularly directed his message towards young people, urging them to love their country, embrace the Zimbabwean identity, and actively participate in nation-building efforts. He encouraged the youth to stay away from drugs, alcohol abuse, and any distractions that may hinder them from achieving their goals and contributing positively to the development of Zimbabwe.

The League of Patriots, a group dedicated to promoting patriotism and national unity, expressed their commitment to supporting the government and party's call for a more patriotic and hardworking citizenry. They also demonstrated their dedication by donating items to aid in various initiatives aimed at fostering national development. The donated items were sourced through their representative in the Americas, Tamuka Gwatidzo.

Mpofu's message resonated with many in attendance, highlighting the crucial role that individual contributions and collective efforts play in realizing a prosperous and unified Zimbabwe. As the nation continues its journey towards economic recovery and sustainable growth, calls for patriotism, hard work, and dedication from leaders like Mpofu serve as a reminder of the shared responsibility in shaping the future of the country.

League of Patriots Secretary General Itai Gumbo hailed Dr. Obert Mpofu for his wisdom , loyalty to the President and party as well as loyalty to Zimbabwe. Gumbo thanked Dr. Mpofu for sharing his wisdom and imparting values of patriotism to young people.

Source - Byo24News