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Shock as ZANU PF Activist Rutendo Matinyarare turns on Party, accuses it of selling out

by George Tshuma
04 Jun 2024 at 09:04hrs | Views
Long-time ZANU PF activist Rutendo Matinyarare has turned on the revolutionary party, accusing it of selling out the people of Zimbabwe.

"ZANU PF sells out like the ANC, will ZANU PF like it?" Matinyarare wrote in a scathing Twitter post. He went on to criticize ZANU PF for "bowing to #WhiteMonopolyCapital to a point of compromising citizen wellbeing with #GMOs."

Matinyarare, who has been a vocal supporter of ZANU PF for years, warned the party that if the African National Congress (ANC) in neighboring South Africa were to "take instructions from SA White Monopoly to form a coalition with a DA that will be very hostile to ZANU PF," the ruling party in Zimbabwe would not like it.

"Liberation movements must choose between money and Africa's survival," Matinyarare stated bluntly.

Matinyarare attacked state security and accused them of being incompetent , he went to attack MPs and now he has taken it a notch further by attacking the entire party which is represented by the Presidium in decision making.

It remains to be seen how ZANU PF will respond to Matinyarare's scathing remarks. The party has long prided itself on its revolutionary credentials and its dedication to the empowerment of the Zimbabwean people. Matinyarare's accusations that it has abandoned those principles in pursuit of money and power will undoubtedly be a cause of great concern for the party's leadership.

How is Matinyarare a beneficiary of government and party funding while attacking the very hand that feeds him ? Has Matinyarare grown over confident in his abilities and self importance that he feels he can attack an institution like ZANU PF and question the party's loyalty to the people and the revolutionary ideals?

Where does Matinyarare derive his power from and who has given him the authority to attack state organs and the party willy nilly?

Source - Byo24News