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Chivayo saga divides Mnangagwa's Zanu-PF

by Staff reporter
17 Jun 2024 at 13:11hrs | Views
The ruling Zanu-PF party is split on how to handle the scandal involving businessman Wicknell Chivayo, who allegedly used his connections to President Emmerson Mnangagwa to secure a US$40 million Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (Zec) tender. Chivayo is accused of claiming in a leaked audio that he had paid senior officials to secure the contract. He denies these claims, blaming former business partners for creating the audios to extort money from him.

Despite Chivayo's apology to Mnangagwa and other officials, Zanu-PF's main wing has been silent, allegedly due to the party's leaders being compromised by Chivayo's patronage. The Zanu-PF youth league, however, condemned Chivayo and called for an investigation. Government officials and the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (Zacc) have not taken significant action, with Zacc stating they need formal complaints to initiate investigations.

Chivayo, an ex-convict, has a controversial history, including an unfinished solar project despite receiving substantial funds. His recent claims have caused internal friction within Zanu-PF, revealing divisions and raising questions about corruption and the influence of patronage networks in Zimbabwe's political landscape.

Source - the standard