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Shaun Timba released on bail

by Staff reporter
21 Jun 2024 at 11:28hrs | Views
Shaun Timba, the son of Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) member Jameson Zvidzai Timba, was granted bail of US$100 by Harare magistrate Ruth Moyo. 
The court ruled that Shaun Timba was not actively participating in the alleged illegal gathering but was present to deliver gifts to his father.
Timba and 78 other CCC members were arrested at his house on Sunday, accused of organizing an illegal gathering with intent to cause public violence. Party officials stated that the gathering was in commemoration of the Day of the African Child.

The group is being legally represented by Agency Gumbo, Lazurus Mbereko, Jeremiah Bamu, and Webster Jiti. Their bail application is scheduled to continue today. Allegations of torture by police have surfaced, with many of the accused displaying visible scars.

Source - newsday
More on: #Timba, #Bail, #Court